Initial examination during pregnancy
Have you already taken a pregnancy test? After the initial examination, you can be certain that you are actually pregnant. Read here what to expect during the examination.
You should allow plenty of time for the date of the first check-up during your pregnancy. The gynecologist will question and advise you in detail and carry out various examinations.
ToggleThe maternity pass – the first document as an expectant mother
First, the gynecologist detects the pregnancy hormone HCG in your blood. This gives you 100% certainty that you are pregnant. The doctor then determines the due date, which he calculates based on the first day of your last period. He will issue you a maternity pass. He enters all important data and test results in this document. You should always have the maternity pass with you as an expectant mother.
What does the doctor provide information about during the first check-up?
Your doctor will first ask you for personal data such as age, occupation and lifestyle. He will explain to you the damaging effects of smoking and alcohol on the development of the unborn child. You will also learn how to eat healthily and which foods you should avoid. Your doctor will also want to know whether you have current or previous illnesses. He finds out about previous pregnancies, births or miscarriages and whether there are hereditary diseases in your family. If you are older than 35, your health insurance company will cover additional diagnostic tests such as a test for gestational diabetes from the 24th week or prenatal tests on the child.
What physical exams are done?
The doctor will then examine you. He listens to your heart and lungs and measures your blood pressure, your weight and your height. With a palpation through the vagina and on the abdominal wall, the gynecologist can detect the first signs of pregnancy. The doctor will take blood from your arm vein for a comprehensive blood test. Your urine is checked for protein and sugar using test strips. If your first visit to the doctor takes place between the ninth and twelve weeks, your gynecologist will also carry out the first ultrasound examination. Would you like to find out more? Here you will find detailed information on the initial examination .