Month 7 in your baby’s life: development at 28 weeks

Like everything in the world, the 7th month has its good and not so good sides in terms of baby development. The baby now sees and hears just as well as an adult and is becoming “more and more talkative”. On the other hand, teething, strangers and separation anxiety are among the top issues in baby development in the 7th month. Find out more about the 7th month in your baby’s life here.

Month 7: Baby development milestones at 28 weeks

Movement: By 7 months, your baby will likely roll from side to side with no problem. In most cases you still have to help a little and free the little arm that was trapped between the stomach and the floor as a result of the movement, but it won’t be long before your baby finds out for himself how to turn around and then stretch out his hands. Sometimes even turning from stomach to back works, but these are more isolated cases in the 7th month.

By the age of 28 weeks, your baby’s love of discovery will drive your baby to reach out for objects that are farther away. Your baby can stand it in such a position for about 2-3 minutes, with the torso doing most of the holding work. The same curiosity will also drive your baby to make his first successful attempts at locomotion, which initially show up as rowing movements. At 28 weeks, your baby can also spin and “bounce” – as soon as their feet hit the ground in an upright position, your baby will begin to bend their legs and straighten their joints. These are his first attempts to learn the art of standing. You can find out more about your baby’s motor development in our article “Your baby is becoming mobile” .

Senses: Your baby’s ability to hear and see in the 7th month is almost as good as that of an adult. The neurological structures and connections that are responsible for the quality of sensory impressions are already fully developed at this time. The baby now also understands that the acoustic and visual impressions are linked and can sometimes have the same starting point. He knows that the toys he sees can also make sounds – another milestone in your baby’s development.

In the 7th month, the sense of touch is already so far developed that your baby can distinguish between opposite impulses, such as cold and warm or hard and soft. Your baby loves to touch everything – not only with his hands, but also with his mouth, which is much more sensitive to touch. The latter can also be partly linked to the teething that continues in the 7th month.

Communication: Communicating with the world is now becoming much more mature thanks to the ever better development and coordination of the senses. The baby understands more and more. Scientific studies have shown that babies in the 7th month can read the mood of their parents from the melody of their voice and intonation. Another point in which the little baby is very similar to an adult. Your baby will also develop their ability to imitate sounds and repeat simple syllables. Of course, the syllables “ma-ma” and “pa-pa” are particularly popular with parents. In addition, your baby will develop a special interest in his reflection in the mirror. Most babies smile at each other in front of the mirror and stretch out their arms with interest. Grasping is also becoming more precise every day and by the 7th month most babies can even grasp objects with both hands at the same time. Now movement games that combine rhymes, songs and touch are especially popular. The so-called romp games also support the development of the baby’s sense of balance.

Sleep: It can happen that your baby sleeps a little more restlessly in the 7th month. On the one hand, this can be due to the fact that the period of strangers and separation fears has slowly begun. On the other hand, your baby is becoming more and more aware of its surroundings and everyday experiences are processed at night. The baby now needs around 14 hours of sleep a day, most of it at night. Find out more about baby’s sleep habits by the 7th month in our article How the stranger phase affects sleep .

Month 7: appointments around the baby

  • U5 investigation
  • Apply for a KiTa place

Month 7: Tips for the 28 week old baby

Dental care in babies

Dental care for babies begins as soon as the first tooth appears. It is therefore quite possible that you can take care of your baby’s first tooth as early as the 7th month. We’ll tell you what you can pay attention to when it comes to oral hygiene even before the first tooth and what’s important when it comes to dental care for babies . Everything so that your baby has a healthy smile right from the start.

Find the right child seat

In the first few months, a baby seat is best suited for your baby if you are traveling together in the car. But it won’t be long before your baby will need a car seat for car trips. You can take a look around in our special “Child seats” and find out which child seat is the right one and what you should look out for when buying a child seat .

Drinking during complementary feeding

A healthy diet for your baby is not just about suitable food.  Drinking is also very important when introducing complementary foods . Drinks that you give your baby in the 7th month not only influence his health and well-being, but also his later eating habits.

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