Packing lunch boxes for children: This is what the lunch break tastes like

The less your child eats in the morning, the more important the school breakfast is. But sticky sandwiches with the same toppings rarely whet the children’s appetite. With a bit of imagination, however, the bread and butter can be transformed into an appealing snack.

If your child finds it difficult to eat something immediately after getting up, the lunch box or lunch box is particularly important. A good breakfast makes it easier to start the day.

Before the break: Have you already had breakfast?

Is your child a breakfast muffle? Often there is not enough time for the first meal of the day, if at all it is eaten in a hurry. Wake your child in time so that there is enough time to eat. If time is short, you can set the table in the evening, put the groceries in the fridge and save time in the morning. If your child refuses breakfast, offer them cocoa, milk, or juice.

The classic lunch break: energy

It is best to have a delicious wholemeal bread. Cream cheese or another light cold cut comes on top. Here it is good to respond to the “orders” of your children. Maybe you agree on a weekly plan with a Monday, Tuesday, etc. so that you don’t have to discuss things every morning. The lunch comes in an attractive lunch box with your child’s favorite motifs or colors.

Fruit and vegetables in the lunch box: vitamins

In addition to the sandwich, your child needs enough fruit and vegetables. Here, too, it is important to listen to the child’s preferences, but also to offer different varieties. Children especially like vegetable and fruit sticks that have already been cut into bite sizes. In addition to bananas and apples, all seasonal fruits are suitable as fruit. In summer, these include berries or melons, for example, and in winter tangerines or oranges. Vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers, carrots and radishes are also popular with children.

Extra tip: Drizzle some lemon juice over the cut fruit, so it looks delicious and fresh even during the long break and doesn’t turn brown so quickly!

Liquid with the lunch break: minerals

Many children drink too little and are very unfocused at the end of the morning. In addition to the lunch, give your child a good drinking bottle with a valve. So it can also quench its thirst at school. Mineral water, unsweetened teas or diluted fruit juices are best suited for this.

The icing on the cake in the lunch box

Your child will always be happy about a little surprise. As an exception, this can be something sweet to snack on or a message from mum or dad in the bread box.

It is important when choosing a lunch break that your child can have a say in what and how much they want to take to school. When school is over and lunch is eaten, you know you did everything right!

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