Postpartum exercises: the best exercises after childbirth
Postpartum exercises help you to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, build up the uterus and train the pelvic floor. You get to know your body in a new way. Here we show you which exercises will help you.
That’s why you should do postpartum exercises
Gymnastics after the birth serves to tighten your overstretched abdominal wall and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Done regularly every day, it will soon help you regain a good figure.
In addition, you can support the regression of the uterus and prevent thrombosis with postpartum exercises. Through the gymnastic exercises you will feel improved bladder and bowel emptying and your circulation will also be stimulated.
Tips for carrying out postpartum gymnastics exercises
You can start postpartum gymnastics as soon as you give birth, if you feel able. The appropriate period for the exercises is in the first 6 to 8 weeks after delivery.
Since the hormonal changes during pregnancy have loosened up your skin tissue, all your organs and muscles and your circulation has been very stressed for months, you should start practicing slowly. Gentle exercises are on the program, no high-performance sports or strength training.
- Begin the exercise program gently. In the first few days after giving birth, you should not tense your pelvic floor too much. He must have suffered minor injuries during pregnancy and childbirth, which need to heal in peace.
- If you want to get up, you should always do it from the side position. In this way you avoid too much pressure on your abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor.
- Even if you don’t like it or are used to it, you should often lie on your stomach during childbirth. This position allows the weekly flow to drain off better and helps the uterus to recede.
- You should do the following exercises once or twice a day. Lie down on a flat surface and place a small pillow under your head. It is best to wear very comfortable clothes for the exercise program.
Instructions on suitable exercises for spontaneous births
Basic exercise: breathing exercise
Please always carry out the breathing exercise at the beginning of your exercise program in order to relax fundamentally. It should also form the conclusion of your exercise program in order to let the previously performed exercises come to an end.
You lie flat on your back. Bend your legs and place both hands flat on your stomach. Now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. To do this, close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
For exercises 1 to 10 you will find a clear overview poster at the end of all exercises.
Exercise 1: For decongestion
Lie relaxed on your back and bend your legs. Stretch one leg up and straight over the other.
Now alternately 5 times each: move the foot up and down, circle the foot, claw and spread the toes and finally perform the cycling movement.
Then switch legs for the exercise.
Exercise 2: Build basic tension A
Position: on your back, bend your legs, both hands flat on your stomach
Practice now:
- Tighten your pelvic floor, press your sacrum against the surface, pull your ribs down to your pelvis, pull in your navel and hold the tension for a few seconds. Keep breathing.
- Then relax and repeat the exercise 2 times.
Exercise 3: Build basic tension B
Lie on your stomach with your feet on tiptoe and your head on your folded arms. Build up a basic tension as described in exercise 2. Pull in your belly button and say fit – fit – fit.
Relax and repeat the exercise 4 more times.
Exercise 4: build up basic tension C
Position: Lie on your back, bend your legs, arms crossed under your head
Practice now: tighten your pelvic floor. For this you have to pull the anus and vagina into you. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, relax and repeat 4 more times.
Exercise 5 : Build up basic tension D
Position: Lie on your back, bend your legs, arms crossed under your head
Practice now: tense your pelvic floor and lift your buttocks off the surface, hold the position for 5 seconds and lie down again. Repeat 4 times.
Exercise 6: Abdominal workout A
Position: Lie on your back, bend your legs
Practice now: Build up the basic tension. Your left hand presses on the inside of your right thigh. Raise your head and shoulders at an angle. Change sides 9 times.
Exercise 7: Abdominal workout B
Position: Lie on your back, bend your legs
Practice now: Build up the basic tension. Draw both hands towards your left knee, lifting your head and shoulders at an angle. Change sides 9 more times.
Exercise 8: Abdominal workout C
Position: supine, arms crossed under head
Practice now: Build up the basic tension. Clasp your hands behind your neck. Draw your right elbow towards your left knee. In addition, you lift your left leg and bring your knee and elbow together. Switch sides 9 more times.
Exercise 9: Abdominal workout D
Position: Quadruped Stand
Practice now: Build up the basic tension. Hold 5 seconds. Release and repeat 4 more repetitions.
Exercise 10: Abs workout E
Position: Quadruped Stand
Practice now: Build up the basic tension. Bring your right elbow and left knee together under your stomach. Then you stretch out both extremities. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Switch sides and repeat 4 more times.
Instructions on suitable exercises for caesarean sections
After a caesarean section, your body needs a longer recovery phase and time to eliminate the anesthetic drugs. You shouldn’t lift or carry anything heavy for the first few weeks after giving birth.
Of course, there is also a postpartum gymnastics program for you, but much easier and gentler. With the first exercises after the birth you strengthen your pelvic floor. The actual rehabilitation gymnastics only start after a caesarean section after about 8 weeks. You should ask your midwife or doctor when exactly you can start.
Until then, you can also do some light exercises while lying down:
- You are in reserve. The legs are stretched. Move your feet up and down at the ankles, i.e. pull and stretch. Repeat 9 more times.
- Kick your legs up. Put your hands flat on your stomach. Breathe into your stomach and feel with your hands how your abdominal wall rises and falls. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe more deeply with each breath. Breathe in and out slowly 10 times.
- Take the side position. Breathe in evenly through your nose and out through your mouth. As you exhale, press your hand in front of your stomach against the surface and pull your toes towards your nose. As you exhale, shorten the distance between your pubic bone and your navel. Breathe deeply like this 10 times.
- You’re lying on your back again. The legs are placed hip-width apart. The hands are flat on the stomach. Feel your sacrum. Press it gently against the surface with each exhalation. Let your breath flow evenly 10 times.
- you are lying on your back Carefully raise your arms and legs in the air, one at a time. You feel like a may beetle on your back. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Put everything back down and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat 4 more times.