The 10 biggest parenting mistakes

When it comes to raising children, no master has fallen from the sky. All parents make mistakes – and often without even knowing it. But the same applies here: you can learn from mistakes. That’s why we show the 10 biggest parenting mistakes and explain how you can avoid them.

1. Upbringing mistakes Violence: … is not a solution

All parents should understand that spanking or hurtful language has no place in parenting. Even if it might be good to vent the pent-up anger: Violence is of no use in getting closer to your educational goals, it only damages the development of your child.

2. Inconsistency: Stay firm, even if it’s difficult

When your child makes a cinematic appearance in the mall, rolls on the floor screaming and the other shoppers are already giving you pitying looks, it can be difficult to keep your nerve. Nevertheless, the following should apply: Rules are not adhered to depending on mood or environment, but always and everywhere.

3. Love withdrawal: Unconditional love is the be-all and end-all

Love withdrawal deliberately used as a form of punishment is a terrible experience for any child. Threats like “If you don’t tidy up your room now, I won’t love you anymore” have no place in education.

4. Overwhelm: One after the other

Unfortunately, one sometimes wants to say that children are not yet multi-tasking geniuses. Too many rules and instructions at once can quickly overwhelm your child. Young children in particular often cannot handle more than one task.

5. Poor role model setting: Lead by example

Wondering where your child got some weird traits from? Then maybe you should start analyzing your own behavior. Because the offspring seems to like to adopt particularly unsightly habits. Therefore, rules that apply to your child are also binding for you.

6. Lack of recognition: Praise, praise, and more praise

Your child has cleaned out the dishwasher without being asked and you say … nothing? That would probably be disappointing for us too. Praise is very important in childhood. Especially when your child shows positive behavior independently, you should always appreciate that.

7. Lack of confidence: You can do it

It is incredibly important to trust your child to do things. This is the only way it can learn to act independently and develop a healthy sense of self-esteem. So let your child do it himself more often, even if you want to roll your eyes at the result.

8. Comparisons: You are very special

Children cannot be compared. Every child is unique (yes, even the one who is spitting the porridge in your face) and develops differently. Therefore, strengthen your child’s unique abilities and learn to recognize your own educational successes.

9. Miscommunication: Speaking the same language

If your child is jumping on you, it may be because you are not making clear announcements. Your child needs you to explain in clear, simple terms what you want from them. If your child knows where it is, it will not constantly try to expand its freedom.

10. Excessive strictness: sometimes let five be straight

It is completely normal that things don’t always go smoothly in everyday life. Let your child assert its stubbornness from time to time. If they really want to put on their rubber boots instead of sneakers, it won’t end the world. Think about the things that are really important to you and implement them consistently.

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