7 things pregnant women would like to tell you

Your desire to have children is getting bigger or you are in the jittery phase? Then you’re probably asking yourself a lot of questions. What would (former) pregnant women tell you about the time before and during pregnancy? You can find out here.

1. The positive test will surprise you

Are you sure that the test will be positive? Wonderful! As much as you may already suspect it, the certainty of the pregnancy test or the positive result at your gynecologist will still hit you as if you didn’t know it yet. The joy of being pregnant is just too great.

2. Don’t let yourself be so unsettled

There will always be people who will unsettle you for different reasons. On the one hand, this can be because they are very anxious people themselves or they simply care about you. But there are also people who want to cause uncertainty out of envy. This is just mean and not good for you at all. Stick to the people who are good for you. That doesn’t mean that you should close your eyes to everything that unsettles you.

3. Don’t put any pressure on yourself

“You definitely have to…” with this sentence, it’s best to just switch to swipe. Yes, there are things that you as a mom-to-be should take care of sooner rather than later, but the first few weeks are all about enjoying the pregnancy and – let’s be honest – waiting. The likelihood of a miscarriage is greatest in the first three months. Stress is not something your baby needs right now.

4. Don’t be afraid of complaints

Many women believe that during pregnancy they will experience every possible pregnancy problem. But headaches, nausea and heartburn do not affect all pregnant women and the symptoms only occur in phases. And even if you should have complaints, in many cases you can fall back on naturopathy and homeopathy.

5. Get your partner involved

Your partner may have held back their euphoria so far, but once it’s clear that you’ll soon be a threesome, the men often turn into uber-pre-dads. They sit in front of the computer all evening looking for the best baby app or the test winner for heat lamps and measure the trunk to see which potential stroller could fit in it. So let yourself be surprised and look forward to a page that you have not yet gotten to know from your partner.

6. Do extensive nest building

Set up the baby room, buy practical helpers for mum and spend hours rummaging around in department stores and on the internet for the nicest things. Let your creativity run free and set up the most beautiful home your baby could ever have. Above all, baby things are just so cute! If you want to go easy on your wallet, you can visit platforms like Pinterest or Instagram to admire what’s available and think about who you could get gifts from.

7. Pregnancy is unforgettable

No matter how many ups and downs there will be in a pregnancy, what lies ahead at the end of the pregnancy is like nothing in the world: your baby. Pain and discomfort will be forgotten as soon as you hold your little darling in your arms. From now on you have the greatest person in your life that you could only wish for.

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