Too little breast milk: stimulating milk production – here’s how!
If your baby is no longer full while breastfeeding, there are ways to stimulate milk production. What the causes of too little breast milk are and what tips you can use to fix this problem, you can read in this article.
How to stimulate milk production
Many mothers wonder either directly after giving birth or even a few months afterwards whether they produce enough breast milk and what promotes milk production. In most cases, however, it is a misconception that there is not enough milk. If the baby is really not full, there are some tips on how to stimulate milk production whilebreastfeeding.
- If you no longer feel the milk donor reflex, the breast does not get hard between breastfeeding meals or your child wants to drink more often than usual, these are not necessarily signs that your breasts produce too little milk when breastfeeding. As long as your child gains enough weight, you have enough milk!
- Immediately after birth, each child loses weight. Up to ten percent of one’s own body weight is within limits. In most cases, the milk injection takes place between the second and fifth day after birth. You should put your childon regularly every two to three hours after birth for breastfeeding, so you can promote milk intake and stimulate milk production.
- If everything has settled down and you still have the impression that the milk is not enough when breastfeeding, you can first try to invest even more often to increase milk production. Demand regulates supply – this is also made clear byLa Leche Liga. Since babies initially sleep a lot and thenipples can hurt when breastfeeding, mothers skip some breastfeeding meals and milk production automatically decreases.
- Nursing tea can also stimulate milk production – by the way, you don’t have to drink it during pregnancy. Caraway, anise or fennel are known for their milk-promoting effects.
- Some foods are said to stimulate milk production. These include malt beer, fenugreek seeds, cumin and coriander. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water.
- By expressing breast milk, you can also stimulate milk production and thus increase the amount of milk, as the body is signaled an increased demand.
- A good home remedy for stimulating milk production is heat. Before breastfeeding, put a warm towel or heat pad on your chest. This stimulates the blood circulation and allows the milk to flow better.
- Breastfeeding oilalso stimulates blood circulation and thus supports milk production.
- After a break from breastfeeding, homeopathy or even medication can be used to stimulate milk production. However, you should consult your midwife or gynecologist.
- If, despite all efforts, the baby gains too little weight in the long term when breastfeeding, you can either feed expressed breast milk, give powdered milk from the bottle orwean altogether.
These can be reasons why you don’t have enough milk
In addition to the milk promotion tips above, there are otherbreastfeeding problemsand points you should avoid so that enough breast milk is produced.
- Your child drinks too short: Try to tickle your baby’s feet, massage his hands or take off something so that he does not fall asleep directly when breastfeeding.
- Your child drinks only one breast: Offer both sides. Some children have a favorite side where they want to drink longer and more frequently.
- Your child does not like the breastfeeding position: Try different postures such as the cradle handle, the football orbreastfeeding while lying down.
- Your child has a sucking confusion: Using nipples or bottles too early can make breastfeeding difficult. Try to omit artificial suckers until breastfeeding has settled down.
- Your child and you are stressed: breastfeeding is not always easy! If possible, retreat to a quiet place, try to relax while breastfeeding and take a comfortable position for you.