13 tips for a safe sleeping environment for the child
Find out here how to create a healthy, pleasant and above all safe sleeping environment for your child.
With the following tips, you can create a pleasant sleeping environment for babies and children that supports the restful sleep possible.
ToggleOwn room or master bedroom – both are ok!
If it works better, there is nothing wrong with your child sleeping with you and your partner in the bedroom – on the contrary, it is even advisable. Sleep expert Professor Zulley from the University of Regensburg also confirms in the MomaSquad interview: “Of course, babies especially like to sleep with their parents in the bedroom. As a parent, you shouldn’t stress that this might not be good.” Unfortunately, there is disagreement among experts on the subject of family bed. While some experts reject it for safety reasons, especially in the first year of life, other sleep researchers see many benefits of sleeping together in the marriage bed, arguing that it promotes sleep and bonding and can even offer some benefits in terms of safety if you follow some basic rules. Learn more about this in our article “Can a child sleep in the parents’ bed?”. The most important safety instructions can also be found in our article “Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)”.
Slightly darkened, quiet room
The children’s or bedroom should be slightly darkened and quiet. Absolute rest is not necessary, because normal noises usually do not disturb your child’s sleep.
Well ventilated and no too dry air
The room should be well ventilated and the air should not be too dry. So do not be afraid of fresh air, only direct drafts are not good for the child. It is best to ventilate properly before going to bed.
Pay attention to quality in the mattress
Pay attention to quality when buying mattresses, because your child spends many hours a day on it. For babies, the mattress should not be too soft and, above all, permeable to air. It should also dissipate the moisture, not absorb it. In addition, a mattress should have a removable and washable cover and be free of harmful substances. In 2006, ÖKO-TEST tested children’s mattresses and came to the conclusion that mattresses made of latex, coconut and horsehair are particularly suitable for children. The foam mattresses did not perform so well in the test – not even the expensive models. Many of them contained pollutants. However, all mattresses tested with “very good” cost over 100 euros. So a little money has to be invested in the mattress. It is also advisable to ventilate the mattress well for at least one day with the window open before first use, because some mattresses still emit pollutants after opening the packaging or simply smell unpleasant.
Safe placement of electrical devices
Place electrical devices such as bedside lamps at a safe distance from the sleeping place so that your child cannot, for example, pull the cable and injure themselves on falling devices.
Distance to window
Make sure that your child’s bed is away from the window and thus away from blinds and curtains, which can pose a risk of strangulation due to cords or drapes.
Observe safety instructions
Make sure that your child’s cot meets all safety standards and does not pose a risk of injury. The same applies to travel cots. In addition, always follow all safety instructions of child seats, strollers or infant carriers and never let your baby sleep there unattended.
Special tips for baby time
If your child is still under one year, you should also consider the following tips in terms of sleeping environment.
Sleeping bag instead of baby blanket
Many midwives and pediatricians recommend buying ababy sleeping bag. Because with a sleeping bag there is hardly any danger that it slips over the face and the child gets bad air. If you want to use a blanket because, for example, you put the child in the marriage bed, the following tips can be helpful: First, you can put your child with your feet all the way to the end of the bed, so it can not work its way further under the blanket. In addition, you can make sure that your child can not turn so easily. Because when turning, it quickly slips under the ceiling. For example, you can support it in the side position with a small pillow roll on the back. Then it remains more likely to be in the right sleeping position. As a third tip, you can limit the mobility of the blanket by clamping the blanket sideways under the mattress.
Keep pets away
Keep pets away from your sleeping baby. They can be a great danger, for example if they lie on your baby.
No toys or pacifier chains in bed
Toys in bed should also be taken into account. Toys or cuddly toys with a lot of fabric or long ribbons do not belong in the cot, there is a risk that your baby will strangle. This also applies to pacifiers with long pacifier chains.
Supine or lateral position
Pediatricians recommend placing the infant on his back, because in the supine position, the risk of sudden infant death is lower. In addition, in this position, the airways are not easily blocked and your baby does not breathe in the used air that he or she exhaled before. However, if your baby spits more frequently during sleep, the supine position is not ideal. In this case, the lateral position (for example, with a small pillow roll in the back) is the better choice. If you have problems with both positions, it is best to discuss with your pediatrician.
Do without pillows, nests, canopy and Co.
It’s best if you can do without a lot of fabric in bed. Better do without a pillow, your baby does not need that. It is also not advisable to attach nests or fabric canopy. They hinder the supply of fresh air and carry the risk that the child could become entangled in them or fall asleep with his face in them. All this hinders breathing.