Cool rooms: 7 tips for cool children’s rooms
Surely you know that too: While the temperatures are rising outside, it’s also getting warmer inside. Sometimes so much that your child can hardly sleep. And you even less as a result. What can you do against the nocturnal heat in the children’s room? Here you will find some tips.
Warm air in the children’s room can sometimes disturb the baby’s sleep quite a bit. And even older children quickly suffer from excessive temperatures. Surely you dress your child very thinly before going to bed. In the following seven tips you will find out how you can help your child with heat in the children’s room and cool the room.
Toggle1. To cool the room, darken during the day!
The be-all and end-all in the heat of the sun is shade. It is therefore best if the shutters are closed or the curtains are drawn in the children’s room during the day. You only have very thin, transparent curtains and don’t want to have extra blinds installed? That is also no problem. On the one hand, you will find interior blinds in many specialist stores that are simply clamped into the window frame. So you save yourself the drilling and can still easily provide shade. On the other hand, you can also use a dark blanket or fabric remnants. You can simply clamp these in the window opening and darken the windows.
Tip: Some curtains are particularly practical. Although they let daylight through, they shield the direct rays of the sun that would heat up the room.
2. Ventilate properly
Drafts help to get pent-up heat out of the child’s room. And this is also urgently needed from time to time so that your child can breathe properly again. Early morning is best for airing. The temperatures outside are usually the lowest there. You can also air out in the evening. The following applies: the later, the better, since the temperatures in summer evenings are usually relatively high for quite a long time. During the day it is good to keep the windows in the children’s room closed for as long as possible so that additional warm air does not come in and heat up the children’s room.
Tip: Many mothers swear by opening the window at night. This way your child gets enough oxygen while sleeping and the room can cool down over a longer period of time.
3. Wet towels
To cool drafts, you can help with damp towels. You can simply hang them over the curtain rod or on the tilted window. For drying, the cold, wet towel extracts heat from the surrounding air and creates a cooling effect. It is best if the damp cloth is not attached directly in front of the window, but to the left or right of it. So it doesn’t dry too quickly and the refreshment lasts longer.
Tip: Cold packs placed on the window sill in an open window have a similar effect.
4. Splash before bed
Children especially love playing in the water on hot days, regardless of whether the cool water is in the outdoor pool or in their own paddling pool in the garden. Because when the water evaporates, there is a pleasant cooling effect on the skin’s surface. You can use this effect by showering or bathing your child before going to bed. Just give your child a quick rub afterwards. The remaining moisture on the skin cools it and thus helps it to fall asleep.
5. Ice pack instead of hot water bottle
For children who can already tell themselves when they are too hot and when it is too cold, you can remedy this with an ice pack in bed. It is best to wrap it well in a cloth so that the icy surface does not come into direct contact with the skin. If you then put the cold package in bed with your child, the battery cools the little body and your child can certainly fall asleep better.
6. Children’s room design in cool blue
Many consider it a myth, for others it has been proven: Colors influence our well-being. You can also use this in the children’s room. If it gets hot there quickly in summer, you can paint the children’s room in cool blue or mint tones or buy furnishings in these colors. This makes the room look cooler and relaxes and calms your child a little. Pretty cool!
Pssst: You can find out more about this topic in the article “What effect do colors have on children?” .
7. Room exchange
Does your child always come to you at night in the summer? Maybe that’s because it’s just cooler in your room. If that’s the case, you can think about whether it might make sense to swap the master bedroom and the children’s room. Children usually sleep more sensitively than adults and are less able to help themselves in the heat, for example by getting something to drink at night. It is therefore possible that your child would sleep much better in your room. And so, in the end, you will be rewarded with a quieter sleep.
phew! Hopefully you can breathe a sigh of relief thanks to our tips. And your child can finally sleep through the night again.
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