Homeopathy for cystitis: How it helps

In the encyclopedia of homeopathy you will find a precise description of homeopathic treatment for many complaints. Just browse through the most common terms and get an impression.

General information on bladder and urinary tract problems and cystitis

If your child feels a frequent urge to urinate and it burns when urinating, this can be a sign of the beginning of a bladder or urinary tract infection. Now it is important that your child drinks a lot (preferably warm bladder-kidney teas) so that the inflammation does not rise in the direction of the kidneys. Solidago D3 and Berberis D3 can help with drainage, detoxification and flushing of the urine volume (take five times a day for two to four weeks). In addition, sitz baths with chamomile or hay flower soothe the irritated urinary tract from the outside. In the  children’s diseases dictionary  you can find out more about the causes and symptoms of bladder infections.

Homeopathy for cystitis

The following table includes the most common forms of cystitis and possible combinations with other symptoms. The table lists which homeopathic remedy is recommended in these cases. Since bladder and urinary tract problems can also occur in combination with many other symptoms, it only contains the most common ones. You can find compact information about other symptoms and how they can be treated with homeopathic remedies in Sven Sommer’s guide “Homeopathy for Children”.

If the acute symptoms do not improve quickly, or if your child also gets fever, back or abdominal pain (suspected kidney infection), then you should call a doctor or alternative practitioner.



Sudden unbearable burning pain

Despite the urge to urinate, only a few drops come out when urinating

Your child screams (all night), grabs his genitals

Hot urine, also reddish

Your child is thirsty and restless

Inflammation as a result of cold wind

Aconitum C30* (in acute cases every minute to quarter or half hour (max. 10-15 doses))
Burning, cutting pains before, during, and after urination

Violent, constant urge to urinate, but only a few drops come out

Often with an erection

Top remedy: Cantharis D12** (in acute cases every minute to quarter or half hour (max. 10-15 doses))
Nervous bladder (due to exam, fear of school, etc.)

Your child can hardly reach the toilet because of the urge to urinate and defecate

Your child is nervous, hectic, fidgety and craves sweets

Argentum nitricum D12** (3x daily)
Recurring bladder and urinary tract problems, infections again and again

Your child is constantly running to the toilet

Split urinary stream

Pain often only in the evening and at night, at the end or after urination

Your child only sweats in uncovered places

Your child often has warts

Thuja D12** (3x daily)
Recurring bladder and urinary tract problems

Severe spasms, persistent, with urination, with hot urine that burns like fire

The urine is foul-smelling, cloudy, red, mucous, purulent and bloody

Your child sweats when urinating and at night, especially when they have a fever

Mercurius corrosivus D12** (3x daily)
Often complaints from the slightest cold (damp cold and grass, wet bathing suits, etc.)

Frequent urge to urinate, but usually little urine

Pressing pains, often in last part of urethra

urinary retention or incontinence

The urine is cloudy and smells bad

Your child is irritable

Dulcamara D12** (in acute cases every minute to quarter or half hour (max. 10-15 doses))

By chill (by cold feet)

Frequent urination

Burning before, during and after urination

Sudden, involuntary urination, especially at night, when laughing or coughing

The symptoms are constantly changing

Your child is clingy and not thirsty

Pulstatilla D12** (in acute cases every minute to quarter or half hour (max. 10-15 doses))
Burning pain that is unbearable towards the end of urination and after

Frequent urge to urinate, your child cries from pain (also when urinating) or it cries before it has to go to the toilet

Urine often only comes out when standing

Sarsaparilla D6** (in acute cases every minute to quarter or half hour (max. 10-15 doses))

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