Is your baby in the breech position? You can do that!

Is your baby still in the breech position in the 29th to 30th week of pregnancy? That’s not bad at all. Your baby can still catch up, most babies turn over by the 36th week. Find out more about the breech position and transverse position of a child, in which cases a natural birth is not possible and what methods there are to support the baby.

From the 29th week of pregnancy , your baby should slowly have so little space in your uterus that it automatically turns in the most uncomplicated way for birth – head down. If the baby stays in the breech or breech position, i.e. with the buttocks down and the head up, there is an increased risk of a vaginal birth. However, if your baby hasn’t decided to go into the “starting position” yet, you don’t have to worry. There’s still a little time.

How is your child in the pool?

Head position (skull position): In over 90 percent of the cases, your child is born head first. Most children are in this position by 36 weeks . In the case of first-time mothers, the head is already lowering into the pelvis at this point. If you have already given birth to children, your baby’s head often remains mobile over the pelvic entrance until the onset of labor. In the head position, the head is tilted a little to the chest, your child usually looks back to the sacrum. Whether the head will fit through your pelvis at birth can only be definitively answered when regular contractions occur.

Breech position: At the appointment, three to five percent of children lie with their coccyx at the entrance to the pelvis, in the so-called breech position. This can be caused, for example, by the umbilical cord being wrapped around it, which prevents your child from turning upside down. But it can also be due to a deep seat or the presence of the placenta in front of the cervix. Other possible causes are fibroids or uterine malformations. However, more than 50 percent of the time, there is no reason why your child is not rolling out of the breech position.

Transverse position: In this position, a spontaneous birth is impossible. If your baby lies across the pelvis, a caesarean section is almost always performed. Only in women who have already given birth spontaneously can an attempt be made to turn the child into the correct position at the start of labor using the external turn. In primiparae, caesarean section is preferable to this maneuver.

Birth from breech position

If your baby still hasn’t flipped into a head-first position when you’re due, you’re in the 3% of babies born in the breech position. Three different positions are possible: In a “pure breech position”, your child’s little legs are stretched out in front of the face. In the “breech foot position”, your baby’s thighs are on the upper body and the knees are bent. In the “foot position” your child’s feet are directly above the cervix. It varies greatly from person to person as to which birth method is best for you. In addition to the position of the child, the decision for a spontaneous birth or a caesarean section also depends on whether there are other birth risks such as a small pelvis or maternal previous illnesses.

Spontaneous birth in breech presentation

  • If you want your baby to have a spontaneous birth despite a breech presentation, you should definitely inquire about maternity clinics that have extensive experience in managing breech births. So ask specifically how many births from a breech position are successfully performed each year.
  • It is important that you fully trust your medical care team. The safety of your baby should be the top priority in all decisions. A caesarean section may therefore become necessary during the course of the birth if it is progressing too slowly or if your baby is stressed.
  • The birthing position also seems to play a role in successful births from the breech position . All upright and squatting postures are well suited, as is the quadruped position.

The outside turn at breech

If your baby has not already positioned itself correctly by the 36th week, turning from the outside can in some cases still enable a spontaneous birth. The external turning is performed in a normal pregnancy between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy. However, it should only be carried out if there is a realistic prospect of success. You can find out more about the requirements and the procedure in our article “ Outer turn in breech position ”.

Alternative methods of turning in breech presentations

If you would like to help your baby roll out of the breech position before the 36th week of pregnancy, you can try alternative methods. In our article “ Alternative methods of turning ” you will learn more about moxibustion, haptonomy, light turning and the Indian bridge. Under no circumstances can they harm you or your baby.

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