29th week of pregnancy: The 29th week of pregnancy at a glance
The sensory organs of your little one are fully developed in the 29th week of pregnancy. Not only can it perceive sounds and distinguish between light and shadow, but it can also smile when you talk to it. Isn’t that a great idea?
In the 29th week of pregnancy, the birth is getting closer and closer. Maybe you’re worried about a premature rupture of the bladder. Discuss this eventuality calmly with your gynecologist. Otherwise, however, you prefer to think nicely about your baby. What baby name should it have?
ToggleThe development of your baby in the 29th week of pregnancy
Your child’s brain grows rapidly in the 29th week of pregnancy and the head gets bigger to accommodate the brain. From now on, your baby will gain weight very quickly. At the moment, it is about 37 centimeters tall and weighs about 1,300 grams. The child’s movements now resemble real gymnastic exercises, through which your child strengthens his muscles daily. From the 29th week of pregnancy until birth, your child receives important antibodies via the placenta that protect it from various infectious diseases. Your doctor will be able to detect amisalignment of the placentaduringregular check-upsso that he can take further steps.
In the 29th week of pregnancy, your baby has been opening and closing his eyes for quite a while and is able to see in the womb. Especially the sensory organs develop rapidly in this last stage of pregnancy. While your child has only been reacting to sounds for a few weeks, he or she is already perceiving light and shadow. If it is awakened by light or sound, it makes itself felt in your stomach by kicks.
Your child’s sense of smell is now fully developed and is just waiting for the first air contact to use the sensory cells immediately after birth and to store all smell impressions directly in the memory. Your baby already perceives your voice in the 29th week of pregnancy and is able to distinguish it from others. So talk to him a lot, he can hear you.
Your body in the 29th week of pregnancy
During pregnancy, the uterus contracts again and again, with the abdominal wall becoming hard for a while. This hard stomach is quite normal. From the 29th week of pregnancy, you may notice these exercise contractions more often, because the uterus prepares more and more for the birth. Shortness of breath, back painandheartburnalso persist. The lack of physical resilience, concentration difficulties and the unusual shift in focus can also cause you problems and even promote accidents at home, at work and in road traffic.
Exercise contractions accompany you from now until birth. Although they do not cause the cervix to open, they nevertheless prepare the uterus for birth. Todistinguish exercise contractions from real labor, you should pay special attention to pain and regularity. A feeling of pressure or pain in the lower abdomen or back must not occur in connection with exercise contractions, nor discharge or bleeding. If you feel three to four contractions per hour, or more than ten painful contractions a day, they are probably real contractions.
What does a baby look like in the 29th week of pregnancy in the womb?
Questions about the 29th week of pregnancy
What does a premature rupture of the bladder mean?
If the amniotic sac bursts before regular labor begins, it is called apremature rupture of the bladder. From the 38th week of pregnancy, after the premature rupture of the bladder, the contractions start on their own or they are initiated. Your baby is already big enough to see the light of day. His organs are already fully mature at this time and nothing stands in the way of his birth. Before the 38th week of pregnancy, the doctor will weigh up a premature rupture of the bladder: If you wait with the birth, this improves the child’s starting chances. However, there is a risk of infection. If delivered, apremature babyis born. A premature rupture of the bladder can have different triggers, such as connective tissue weakness of the egg membrane or a vaginal infection.
Do you want a water birth?
Although about a third of all pregnant women want a waterbirth, only about 10 percent of all babies are actually born in water. Many women only decide spontaneously in the clinic or the birthing center what is good for them in this situation. So inform yourself well about your options, but don’t get too fixated on certain desires. As with many other pregnant women, it can be different and it is often easier and more pleasant if you do not have too precise an idea of how the birth should go.
What is examined during organ screening?
As part of the so-called “organ ultrasound” (often takes place as part of the third ultrasound screening), special attention is paid to the internal organs of the baby and their development. But also the seat, nature and size of the placenta are examined more closely. Above all, make sure that your doctor or the corresponding examiner has a DEGUM III qualification. It is an indicator of the examiner’s training and experience and must be constantly renewed.
What does 3D ultrasound offer?
A3D ultrasoundis not medically necessary, but is nevertheless perceived by many expectant parents as a possibility of “baby television”. The resulting pictures and videos are great memorabilia – but not cheap. You have to pay for the examination out of your own pocket. Attention: From 2021, 3D ultrasound will only be performed to a limited extent.
Tips and hints for the 29th week of pregnancy
7. Preventive examination (29th to 32nd week of pregnancy)
In addition to the standard examinations (blood, urine, weight, blood pressure, vaginal examination to determine the position of the child and the condition of the cervix), the thirdultrasound screeningcan now be carried out.
Start a birth preparation course
You and your partner can now start abirth preparation course. Write down your expectations beforehand, then you can express them clearly. So the course instructor can respond to individual wishes and on the other hand you will not be disappointed if right at the beginning it can be explained on the basis of your idea what is possible in the respective framework and what is not.