28th week of pregnancy: The 28th week of pregnancy at a glance
In the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester of your pregnancy begins. Your baby shows himself on the ultrasound image in the 28th week of pregnancy already with an unmistakable face. Through your abdominal wall, it can already recognize the shimmer of light and already distinguishes light and dark.
The development of your baby in the 28th week of pregnancy
How big is the baby in the 28th week of pregnancy? Your baby is about 36 centimeters tall and weighs around 1,100 grams. It is already so developed that itwould have a good chance of survival if it were born now. In the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby is already well prepared for active and passive times. It opens its eyes when it is awake and closes it when it sleeps. The iris is already developed, but your child does not yet see sharply.
Even after birth, your baby still looks quite blurred into the world, as his visual acuity is only 0.03. In order for it to recognize you clearly, you have to approach the face of your child to about 20 centimeters. Your child also does not notice colors until about two months after birth. How the senses develop in the first weeks after birth, you can read in our article “Development of the senses in newborns”. But even now your baby can perceive the shimmer of light through the abdominal wall.
The fact thatmost fair-skinned babies are born with blue eyes is due to the incomplete pigmentation. It can take up to a year for the final eye color to appear. In the ultrasound image, your baby now shows himself with an unmistakable face.
Your body in the 28th week of pregnancy
The uterus, which changes inside you, is located in the 28th week of pregnancy three transverse fingers above the navel. The upper part develops thicker walls and the lower part, leading to the vagina, lengthens slightly and thus becomes thinner. This makes it easier for your baby to take thebirth position head down. From the outside, it looks like your belly is getting rounder and rounder. Because from the 28th week of pregnancy you can literally watch him grow. If you compare yourself to other pregnant women, you will find that no belly is like the other.
What your baby bump looks like depends on your size, connective tissue, the shape of your pelvis and the curvature of your spine, among other things. The amount of amniotic fluid also plays a role. Very large bellies may indicate too much amniotic fluid. Talk to your doctor at the next check-up if you are worried about the size or shape of your abdomen. In most cases, he will be able to calm you down. From now on, also pay attention towater retention. If you notice edema on your legs when you get up in the morning,preeclampsiacould be the cause. In this case, too, you should contact your doctor directly.
What does a baby look like in the 28th week of pregnancy?
Questions about the 28th week of pregnancy
How does heartburn occur in pregnancy?
Your baby is getting bigger and bigger and therefore exerts more and more pressure in your body. This mainly affects organs such as the diaphragm, lungs, liver and stomach. Therefore, complaints such asshortness of breathandheartburnoccur in particular. The dull pain behind the sternum sometimes occurs even after the smallest meals. The reason for this is the closure muscle between the stomach and esophagus, which slackens during pregnancy due to the calming effect of the hormone progesterone, so to speak. Due to the pressure on the stomach, its contents can almost unhindered return to the top of the esophagus. Gastric acid and sour chyme now cause heartburn. In addition, due to the restricted digestion, the stomach is emptied more slowly than usual. Therefore, stomach contents are present over a longer period of time, which can be pushed upwards. If you bend down or lie flat after eating, this process is even more favorable.
Do you need rhesus prophylaxis?
If you are rhesus-negative and your baby is rhesus-positive, you may receive your first anti-D immunoglobulin injection this week. It prevents your immune system from developing antibodies when the child’s blood mixes with your blood, which could lead torhesus intolerancein another pregnancy. With this rhesus prophylaxis, the formation of antibodies is effectively prevented. You will receive the second injection directly before or after birth.
Tips and hints for the 28th week of pregnancy
Talk to a follow-up midwife
At least now you should try to get afollow-up midwife. In a conversation, she can give you tips on how to prepare for the puerperium. It is best to ask at your desired clinic or search for local midwives in midwife networks or online.
Buy second-hand and borrow things
Feel free to look for second-hand clothing for your baby’s initial equipment. It is cheaper and many allergenic substances have already been washed out. Borrowed items are also ideal for the first few months. Because your child grows fast and the dress sizes change in the first few months in no time. In our list forthe initial baby equipmentyou will find everything you need for the first time.