11th week of pregnancy: The 11th week of pregnancy at a glance
In the 11th week of pregnancy, your child is now present with all important body parts and makes considerable progress in coordinating his movements. Your little baby, who is surrounded by plenty of amniotic fluid, does not yet react to external stimuli.
Are you worried that your baby might not develop properly in the womb? Then in the 11th week of pregnancy, thenuchal translucency measurementis one way to check this. However, opinions onprenatal diagnosisdiffer. Read thepros and consin our article.
ToggleDevelopment of your baby in the 11th week of pregnancy
In the 11th week of pregnancy, the fetus is 34 to 41 millimeters in size. The child’s heart has now moved from its initial placement in the head area into the chest. Your baby’s once-transparent skin also becomes thicker and more complex, and hair follicles form beneath the surface. The first nails begin to grow on your baby’s hands and feet. In the male child, the penis becomes visible in the 11th week of pregnancy, the sexual organ of the girl is already inside. However, it is not yet visible. The slightly elongated body of your baby already performs a variety of movements. Since your child is still completely surrounded by plenty of amniotic fluid, it does not yet react to external stimuli. His head can be seen in theultrasound imagewith a shaped face as well as with eyes and ears, which are constantly developing to full maturity.
Your body in the 11th week of pregnancy
Your blood volume increases in the 11th week of pregnancy, which you can feel in the stronger thirst. In this way, the body demands more fluid, which it needs for the plus in blood. More blood and the vigorously working circulation have an effect on your own feeling of warmth and make your hands and feet comfortably warm. However, the increased urge to urinate often makes you go to the toilet at night. In addition, you are more susceptible tobladder infections due to your altered hormone balance during pregnancy. In any case, always go to a doctor with it.
If you haveback pain, it may be because your pelvic bones become more flexible. Relieve your back as often as possible. Weight gain in pregnancyvaries from woman to woman. In the 11th week of pregnancy, however, your weight will increase simply because of the larger blood volume. Your baby has also grown quite a bit in recent weeks.
Questions about the 11th week of pregnancy
Is it possible to have a belly in the 11th week of pregnancy?
With the 11th week of pregnancy, you complete the first trimester of pregnancy. Most of the time, no tummy can be seen at this time. Often, however, the abdomen is slightly arched, because the uterus fills the entire pelvis of the woman and grows into the abdominal cavity.
Are spotting normal in the 11th week of pregnancy?
Light bleeding is not uncommon in the first trimester of pregnancy. About a quarter of expectant mothers have it in the first three months. The reasons for this vary. For example, hormones can be to blame, which – usually at the time when you had your period before pregnancy – trigger slight bleeding. If you suffer from spotting, you should always have it checked by your doctor.
When does nausea stop?
You will have noticed that nausea and vomiting have become significantly less than a few weeks ago. From the 11th/12th week of pregnancy they will disappear completely. The hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is to blame for the nausea. The higher the hCG concentration, the more often you will feel nauseous. Between the 12th and 18th week of pregnancy, the hCG level drops again and thus the pregnancy nausea stops.
Can a cold in the 11th week of pregnancy harm the baby?
Neither acold nor cough or elevated temperatureswill put your baby in danger. So don’t worry if you ever catch a cold. This can happen during pregnancy, as the immune system is working at full speed for the baby.
What does 11th week of pregnancy mean?
If you are in the 11th week of pregnancy, your embryo is nine weeks old. Because there is a difference between the age and the week of pregnancy. The first two weeks of pregnancy only serve to calculate the approximate date of delivery. Thus, the calculation begins about two weeks before fertilization, with the first day of the last period.
It is counted as follows – if you are in the 11th week of pregnancy, you are in the tenth week and x days pregnant:
- 10+0= 1st day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+1 = 2nd day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+2 = 3rd day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+3 = 4th day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+4 = 5th day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+5 = 6th day of the 11th week of pregnancy
- 10+6 = 7th day of the 11th week of pregnancy
Tips and hints for the 11th week of pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Due to the increasingly frequent fertility treatments and the continuously increasing age of pregnant women,multiple pregnancies are becoming more and more frequent. Multiples have a slightly increased risk of developing pregnancy-specific diseases compared to singlelings. However, if possible problems are detected in time, many complications can be avoided. The doctor usually discovers the multiples at the first or second check-up during the ultrasound examination.
Nuchal translucency measurement
Normally, the first ultrasound examination is already performed in the 9th to 12th week of pregnancy. If a nuchal translucency measurement is to take place at the same time, the examination takes place a little later, between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound, the nuchal fold of your baby is measured. This measurement, together with the results of a blood test and other information, is included in the results of thefirst trimester screening.
If achorionic villus samplingoramniocentesis is to be performed in the next few weeks, you should enter a few quiet days in your diary as a precaution. After the procedure, you should rest for at least 24 hours and refrain from sports and strenuous physical activity for a week.
Information events of the maternity clinics
In every city there are a certain number of sought-after maternity hospitals. Use their information sessions to get an impression. If possible, look at the delivery rooms and patient rooms. Are they appealing? Can your baby sleep in your room? How friendly are doctors and midwives? What is the cesarean section rate, episiotomy rate, andPDAÂ rate in this hospital that can serve as indicators of medical staff hiring? Does this meet your expectations for the course of your baby’s birth?
These and many other questions can be clarified on such evenings. The event is also well suited to find anattending midwifewho can accompany you during the birth in this clinic. Many clinics provide pregnant women with lists of midwives who cooperate with this clinic.
Rules for pets
If you follow some rules,keeping pets during pregnancyis not a problem. The allergy risk for your child can then even decrease. Hygiene is the top priority. The litter box should be cleaned by someone else and you should wash your hands after each contact.