Ultrasound image during pregnancy: This is what your baby looks like!
During pregnancy, the ultrasound image makes visible what can only be seen from the outside as a bulge. Find out here how an ultrasound image can give you wonderful insights into the inner workings of your abdomen.
When and why are ultrasound images taken?
Maternity guidelines recommend an ultrasound scan for each trimester of pregnancy. In addition, further examinations are often carried out to check the progress of the pregnancy and, above all, the healthy development of your baby. In addition to the health aspect, ultrasound images also offer a great opportunity to watch the child grow and to capture these moments.
This is how your baby develops during pregnancy and you can see this on the individual ultrasound images that are taken as part of the check-up:
The first ultrasound picture
The first ultrasound image is created during the first ultrasound examination, which is usually carried out between the ninth week of pregnancy and the twelfth week of pregnancy as part of the check-up. At this point, your baby is no longer referred to as an embryo, but as a fetus that has already taken on a visible, human form. Your little one is about 16 to 51 mm tall and his face is already clearly visible due to the development of facial muscles. The baby also already has ear cups, eyelids and nails on hands and feet.
Due to the progressive networking of the nerve cells, it is also able to move at this early stage. It can happen that your baby spreads his feet, clenches his fists or even kicks during the first ultrasound examination. As a rule, the first ultrasound image also shows whether a multiple pregnancy is present or not.
Ultrasound image from the 12th week of pregnancy
The second ultrasound image
You will receive the second ultrasound image during the second mandatory ultrasound examination, which usually takes place between the 19th week of pregnancy and the 22nd week of pregnancy . The fetus is now about 13.5 to 26.5 cm tall and weighs about 200 to 350 grams. At this point it is already very reminiscent of a newborn. The gender of the baby can often already be identified during the second ultrasound examination, because the attachment for the penis is already developed in boys and the clitoris is visible in girls. If you do not want to know the sex of your child before the birth, then let your gynecologist know. He will certainly take your wish into account.
Ultrasound image from the 22nd week of pregnancy
The third ultrasound image
The third ultrasound is usually done between 29 weeks and 32 weeks of pregnancy . As part of this examination, you will also receive your third ultrasound image. Your baby is now between 37 and 41 centimeters tall and weighs around 1300 to 1800 grams. His musculature and his sensory organs are already quite well developed. As space in your belly is limited and your baby continues to grow, he will slowly assume the classic fetal position by pulling his little legs to his chest, crossing his arms in front of his body and resting his chin on his chest.
Ultrasound image from the 32nd week of pregnancy
The 3D ultrasound image
The ultrasound examinations, which are carried out as part of the usual prenatal care, usually display the image of your baby in two dimensions. 3D ultrasound offers an alternative form of display, which is becoming increasingly popular with expectant parents. From a medical point of view, however, it is actually not necessary, which is why the costs incurred for a 3D ultrasound image are not covered by health insurance. As a rule, the price is around 100 euros per image, but the exact amount can vary from practice to practice.
Most interesting is the 3D ultrasound for the future parents between the 20th week of pregnancy and the 30th week of pregnancy . During this period, the baby is already very clearly visible, but is still small enough for a large part of its body to be shown on the ultrasound image. You can find more information about 3D ultrasound in our article on the subject.
3D ultrasound image from the 27th week of pregnancy
Immortalize the ultrasound image
You want to immortalize the ultrasound image of your baby in a special way? There are numerous online shops that specialize in drawing ultrasound images onto canvas. In this way you can capture this special moment in your baby’s life as a lasting memory.