9th week of pregnancy: The 9th week of pregnancy at a glance
Your child will enter the final phase of its embryonic development in the 9th week of pregnancy. All vital structures are now in place and it begins to move. The development into the fetus progresses.
In the third month of your pregnancy and in the 9th week of pregnancy, certainpregnancy symptoms, such asnauseaorcravings, may increase. So pay attention to your body’s reactions. In order to check the health of your unborn child, you will also have the choice between some prenatal diagnostic examinations in the next few weeks.
ToggleDevelopment of your baby in the 9th week of pregnancy
The embryo is 16 to 24 millimeters in size in the 9th week of pregnancy and makes its first movements. All body components are present, such as your baby’s digestive organs, which were formed from the inner germ cell. The arms are now formed, but still tiny. Nevertheless, the hands can already touch. The places where fingers and toes arise become visible. The ears are even so wide that they are almost completely developed.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to say what gender your child has in the 9th week of pregnancy. The heart muscles differentiate and the liver begins to form blood. The physiological umbilical hernia is still present. If you want to be absolutely sure about the health of your unborn child, you can attend variousprenatal diagnostic examinations in the next few weeks, such as thenuchal translucency measurementor theamniocentesis.
While the ossification of the upper limb has already begun in the 9th week of pregnancy, the head rounds, straightens up and acquires more and more a human appearance. However, the eyes are still located on the lateral edge of the head. The larger the head circumference becomes over time, the closer they slide to each other and into the middle. The nasal opening and ears are also clearly visible in the 9th week of pregnancy, as well as the upper lip and a strong pigmentation of the eyes.
In rare cases, it may happen that only an empty amniotic cavity was visible on the ultrasound image in the first few weeks. In the course of the 9th week of pregnancy, however, it should become clear whether it is a so-called “corner stool”, i.e. an embryo that retreated to the edge of the uterus, or whether the amniotic cavity is actually empty.
The nerve cells formed in the first few weeks now network with each other. By networking with the brain, signals are routed throughout your child’s body. As a result, the muscles contract. The resulting movements are important to train your child’s muscles. At the moment, the whole body is still working. Your little one hardly sleeps and is always on the move, but you can’t feel these movements yet.
Your body in the 9th week of pregnancy
While the state of exhaustion may decrease somewhat, your sensitivity to odors increases in the 9th week of pregnancy. Your sense of taste is sharpened overall. This can even cause nausea or a turning away from previous favorite scents and foods. Maybe the “sour cucumber time” begins with you and you develop a craving for new, unfamiliar food combinations. Even if research is always trying to refute special pregnancy cravings – let it taste whatever it is, as long as it does you good. Just make sure not to eat anything that can harm your childandto avoid food and beverages.
Many women in the 9th week of pregnancy also struggle with nausea. The hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) reaches its peak and can cause nausea frequently.
Questions about the 9th week of pregnancy
How does the stomach feel in the 9th week of pregnancy?
In most women, only a small change can be seen on the abdomen. Many report that their belly feels firmer than usual. However, this varies from woman to woman: Some notice a significant change early on and a small baby bump can already be seen. Other women even lose weight in the first few months because they have little appetite and vomit frequently. From the 12th week of pregnancy, the chance is high that the nausea stops. Because then the hormone balance and metabolism have changed. Strong growth – in contrast to the abdomen – shows in any case your uterus: It is now twice as large as before conception and thus grown in length to about ten centimeters.
What is the probability of miscarriage in the 9th week of pregnancy?
In the 9th week of pregnancy – and generally in the first trimester of pregnancy – spotting or light bleeding may occur. Mostly in the period in which your period would normally begin. So you don’t have to worry, but you should have it checked by the gynecologist as a precaution. Basically, the risk of miscarriage is highest in the 1st trimester, after which it decreases with each week of pregnancy.
Are visits to the doctor allowed during working hours?
Visits to the doctor during working hours are permitted when it comes to examinations that are necessary in the context of pregnancy and maternity. It does not matter whether you are privately insured, in a statutory health insurance or in no insurance.
What does 9th week of pregnancy mean?
If you are in the 9th week of pregnancy, your embryo is seven weeks old. Because there is a difference between the age and the week of pregnancy. The first two weeks of pregnancy only serve to calculate the approximate date of delivery. Thus, the calculation begins about two weeks before fertilization, with the first day of the last period.
If you are in the 9th week of pregnancy, you are eight weeks and x days pregnant:
- 8+0= Day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+1 = 2nd day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+2 = 3rd day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+3 = 4th day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+4 = 5nd day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+5 = 6nd day of the 9th week of pregnancy
- 8+6 = 7nd day of the 9th week of pregnancy
Tips and hints for the 9th week of pregnancy
Dental problems during pregnancy
Healthy and well-groomed teeth will not develop into a problem case overnight during pregnancy. Nevertheless, between the second and third month of pregnancy, many women notice that their gums are bleeding and inflamed. Since the pregnancy hormone progesterone also causes the vessels of the gums and oral mucosa to dilate, there is increased blood circulation. The tissue swells and loosens up. This allows plaque bacteria and other harmful substances to penetrate more easily and lead to inflammation.
In the 9th week of pregnancy, you should therefore register with the dentist for the first of two recommended examinations. It can also treat bleeding gums, which occurs in many women during pregnancy. Let us also give you the second check-up date, which should be around the30th week of pregnancy.
Additional examinations of prenatal diagnosis
You can ask your doctor about additional examinations to those prescribed by the maternity guidelines. This can be thefirst trimester screening, nuchal translucency measurement,chorionic villus samplingor amniocentesis. These are examinations that serve to detect chromosomal abnormalities. They are carried out between the 12th and 14th week of pregnancy. However, doctors only advise the use of methods of invasive prenatal diagnostics (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, umbilical cord puncture) in specific suspected cases, as they are associated with a small health risk for your child.
Use precedence as a pregnant woman
Take advantage of the opportunity to take precedence. Especially with authorities, you can immediately visit the responsible clerk during pregnancy without waiting times. This is especially worthwhile at the beginning of your pregnancy, when nausea and sensitivity to smell cloud the general condition.