8th week of pregnancy: The 8th week of pregnancy at a glance
Look closely at the ultrasound, because you can already recognize the delicate heartbeat of your baby in the 8th week of pregnancy. This week, your child suffers a so-called physiological umbilical hernia and the cartilage of his future bones begins.
Thesecond month of your pregnancyis coming to an end. In the 8th week of pregnancy, you have certainly already been allowed to look at your baby duringthe ultrasound. Many pregnant women are already thinking about how much they will gain weight in the next few months. Ouroverview of weight gain in pregnancycan help.
ToggleDevelopment of your baby in the 8th week of pregnancy
In the 8th week of pregnancy, the embryo is 16 millimeters in size. From the end of this week, even theheartbeatcan be detected during ultrasound and the heart and head can be displayed separately from each other. At the current stage of development, a small loop of the intestine passes into a section of the umbilical cord because the abdominal cavity is still too small to fully absorb it. It comes to the physiological umbilical hernia. This is a normal phenomenon that can be attributed to the rapid growth of the intestine. The liver also appears as a liver bulge between the heart and the umbilical cord. The differentiation of the arms and legs continues rapidly, with the upper limb being slightly more developed than the lower. The cartilage of the future bones also begins in the 8th week of pregnancy. Never again does the embryo grow as fast as in this phase of pregnancy.
Your body in the 8th week of pregnancy
A lot has happened in your body again: Your uterus is now as big as a goose egg, a significant enlargement, which can already be felt vaginally during thecheck-upin the 8th week of pregnancy. Your uterus can already press on your bladder, so you have to go to the toilet more often. Also, the mother ligaments, which hold the uterus in place, stretch slightly and can cause mild, pulling abdominal pain. Strong emotions andemotional swingsturn the soul life of many women upside down, especially in the first few weeks. Hormone changes favor moodiness, general malaise or even whole crying days. Don’t worry, this is normal. Your body can easily switch to “pregnant” from one day to the next, but your psyche needs time first.
Some women experience nausea throughout pregnancy, especially during the first stage of pregnancy. But don’t worry! This does not mean that it has to be the same for you. Some no longer feel nausea in the 8th week of pregnancy. In other women, it is particularly strong in the 8th week of pregnancy. Because the hormone balance changes again strongly during this time.
Some women complain of back pain in the 8th week of pregnancy and sometimes throughout pregnancy. From about the sixth week of pregnancy, the majority of women feel a slight pulling or pain in the back. A soothing massage or targeted pregnancy gymnastics can help you counteract this. In our article “Back pain during pregnancy” you will find more helpful tips.
Questions about the 8th week of pregnancy
Can I already have a belly in the 8th week of pregnancy?
“You can’t see anything yet!” Half questioning, half disappointed, you will notice at the beginning of pregnancy when looking at it in the mirror that you can not see anything of your big change on the inside. Even if rapid developments are already taking place inside, it still takes a while until the belly rounds and the baby happiness can also be seen for everyone else. The abdomen usually feels a little harder than usual and may be slightly arched. In purely mathematical terms, a woman gains a total of 12 to 18 kilos during pregnancy. The increase develops exponentially to pregnancy progress: This means that the further your pregnancy progresses, the more weight you gain. The first increase usually occurs between the 12th and 16th week of pregnancy.
Are spotting normal in the 8th week of pregnancy?
In the first few weeks, there may be slight bleeding and abdominal pain. Because the maternal organism adjusts to a new task and your body will change in some places. In most cases, light spotting is nothing to worry about. Nevertheless, you should always have them checked by your gynecologist as a precaution.
What does 8th week of pregnancy mean?
If you are in the 8th week of pregnancy, your embryo is six weeks old. Because there is a difference between the age and the week of pregnancy. The first two weeks of pregnancy only serve to calculate the approximate date of delivery. Thus, the calculation begins about two weeks before fertilization, with the first day of the last period.
If you are in the 8th week of pregnancy, you are seven weeks and x days pregnant:
- 7+0= 1st day of the 8th week
- 7+1 = 2nd day of the 8th week of pregnancy
- 7+2 = 3rd day of the 8th week of pregnancy
- 7+3 = 4th day of the 8th week of pregnancy
- 7+4 = 5th day of the 8th week of pregnancy
- 7+5 = 6th day of the 8th week of pregnancy
- 7+6 = 7th day of the 8th week of pregnancy
Tips and hints for the 8th week of pregnancy
Keep things moving
Make sure you get enough exercise, especially if you are plagued by the firstpregnancy symptoms. Many typical complaints can be treated gently and naturally with targeted exercises. Maybe you enjoy yoga? Then just try it out in a course.
Sign up for an early pregnancy course
In the 8th week of pregnancy you can register for an “early pregnancy course”. These are offered by midwives, midwifery practices or other institutions for women at the beginning of their pregnancy. The difference to a birth preparation course is that it specifically addresses the many open questions in early pregnancy. For example, physical complaints such as vomiting, proper nutrition, changes in the couple’s relationship, fears and insecurities, decisions for or against prenatal diagnostics or the idea of different places of birth are addressed.
Pregnancy Counseling
Every man and woman has the right to free advice in connection with pregnancy. A network of advice centers throughout Germany offers those seeking advice information, practical help and further support. Practical support is also given when applying for financial means, looking for a place to live or childcare after the birth.