19th week of pregnancy: The 19th week of pregnancy at a glance
Your baby can already tackle hard in the 19th week of pregnancy and has an active circulation. With you, the baby belly is already clearly visible.
Does tiredness constantly attack you in the 19th week of pregnancy? Then we have someuseful tips on what you can do against fatigue. Whether your baby is developing well, you will find out atyour 4th check-up. If you now have abdominal pain from time to time, you can also discuss this with your gynecologist to rule out possiblepremature labororpreeclampsia.
ToggleThe development of your baby in the 19th week of pregnancy
Your child is 13.5 centimeters tall and weighs 200 grams in the 19th week of pregnancy. However, it can already be strong. The fact that your child is so strong is due to a perfectly functioning circulation: Day after day, your child’s little heart transports around 28 liters of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood through its body to supply it sufficiently. And also in the intestine something is already happening. Metabolic products are stored, which are excreted afterbirthwith the so-called infant fat.
Your baby’s ears are already so well developed in the 19th week of pregnancy that it can hear you. Your child is also able to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar sounds. Your baby is now especially happy about your voice and classical music. You should pay more attention to the fact that you spend less time in noisy rooms. Although it perceives the external noises filtered through the amniotic fluid, it does not feel particularly comfortable with loud, unknown noises.
Your body in the 19th week of pregnancy
If you stand naked in front of the mirror in the 19th week of pregnancy, your belly is already clearly visible in profile. You may also be proud of stronger hair and firmer fingernails, for which the increased estrogen level is responsible. You feel beautiful and healthy – this is good for your self-esteem if you are plagued by one or the other complaint. Our beautyand wellness tips for pregnancy provide even more beauty and well-being.
Around a quarter of women suffer from nasal congestion during pregnancy, although there is no allergy or cold. Annoying side effects such as snoring, sleep disorders, fatigue during the day, concentration disorders andheadachesare added. Due to the reduced ventilation of the paranasal sinuses, the affected women also develop sinusitis (sinusitis) even faster. In order not to let it get that far, in addition to sufficient hydration, nasal sprays with saline solutions (0.9%) and plenty of exercise in the fresh air help.
For additional nosebleeds and crusting formation, a nasal ointment or a salty spray with dexpanthenol is recommended for care and healing. Normal nasal sprays may also be used temporarily in low doses, but they can quickly lead to habituation and their effect wears off in the long run. At night, nasal patches from the pharmacy and sleeping with a slightly elevated upper body also bring relief. The humidification of the room air also alleviates the symptoms a little. At the latest two weeks after birth, the symptoms disappear.
Where is the baby in the 19th week of pregnancy?
Questions about the 19th week of pregnancy
If you have an abdominal pain, see a doctor?
Gradually, the stomach becomes round and sometimes you notice that it tweaks and pulls in one place or another: abdominal pain! Do not worry too much, because usually the cause is harmless and poses no danger to you or your child. Nevertheless, a medical clarification is required. Ifthere are exercise contractionsor flatulence behind the complaints, you can be calmed. Premature labor, appendix irritation and preeclampsia must be treated in any case.
Does a pregnancy belt help with back pain?
A purchase that can be worthwhile for back pain in standing and sitting is the pregnancy belt. It relieves the rounding abdomen, relieves back pain and protects against poor posture. The belt is offered on the Internet or in specialist shops. From the outside, the belts are not visible, as they are worn under the pants or skirt.
A doula as a birth attendant?
No matter whether you want to give birth in the hospital, the birthing center or at home – the doula accompanies you during the birth and afterwards in the puerperium. Although she is not a midwife or doctor, she still has some experience from her own births as well as special training. She can emotionally strengthen and support you as a pregnant woman, but also your partner with her companion.
Tips and hints for the 19th week of pregnancy
4. Preventive examination
At the fourth check-up, the cervix and the child’s position are felt again and there is usually a blood and urine test. You will be weighed and your blood pressure will be measured.