13th week of pregnancy: The 13th week of pregnancy at a glance

In the 13th week of pregnancy, your baby tests his newly awakened sense of touch and begins to swallow the amniotic fluid. Now you have arrived in the second trimester of your pregnancy.

The development of your baby in the 13th week of pregnancy

In the 13th week of pregnancy, your uterus is as big as a fist. Your baby is already mimicking breathing and stretching his diaphragm. The vocal cords in the larynx of your six-centimetre-tall and 14-gram baby are already developing. The training of its organs has already been completed, but they still have to grow and grow in size to their full functioning. Bones have emerged from your child’s cartilage tissue in the 13th week of pregnancy. The body now grows faster than the head.

In theultrasound image, the ribs as well as the leg and pelvic bones are clearly visible. Your child tests his newly awakened sense of touch and even plays with the umbilical cord. If you gently bump against your belly and your baby feels the touch, then he will start to move. However, you will not yet feel the child movements in the 13th week of pregnancy. Also, the sex of the baby can still not be clearly seen on the ultrasound.

Your body in the 13th week of pregnancy

With this week you have already completed thefirst trimesterand are at the beginning of the second. At the same time, the so-called adaptation phase begins in the 13th week of pregnancy, in which most women accept and affirm their physical and mental changes.

From now on, your energy needs are increased, which is noticeable with increased appetite. You now need around 300 calories more every day and this will soon be noticeable in your weight. As a precaution, you can getcomfortable maternity wearfor the next time, as the belly should not be pressed in. Your breasts have already grown significantly by the 13th week of pregnancy and in some women some milk is already coming out of the nipples, although theforemilkis only formed in the breasts around the 21st week of pregnancy. It may be that the premature milk flow subsides again, begins in a later week of pregnancy or only immediately before birth.

Questions about the 13th week of pregnancy

Does the belly grow in the 13th week of pregnancy?

In the 13th week of pregnancy, there is usually no real belly to be seen. Your pregnancy is still not visible from the outside, the button of your pants will probably not close anymore. Unless you are one of those women who have suffered from severe vomiting and nausea in recent months, you have probably already gained one to three kilos.

What do abdominal pain and spotting mean?

Some women suffer from abdominal pain during pregnancy. But don’t worry! As a rule, these occur because the uterus has found its place in the abdomen and begins to grow into the abdomen. Some pregnant women also experience light bleeding. They are not uncommon, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, as the body has to struggle with hormone fluctuations, among other things. Nevertheless, you should have them checked by the doctor once.

What does 13th week of pregnancy mean?

If you are in the 13th week of pregnancy, your embryo is eleven weeks old. Because there is a difference between the age and the week of pregnancy. The first two weeks of pregnancy only serve to calculate the approximate date of delivery. Thus, the calculation begins about two weeks before fertilization, with the first day of the last period.

It is counted as follows – if you are in the 13th week of pregnancy, you are in the 12th week and x days pregnant:

  • 12+0= 1st day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+1 = 2nd day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+2 = 3rd day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+3 = 4th day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+4 = 5th day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+5 = 6th day of the 13th week of pregnancy
  • 12+6 = 7th day of the 13th week of pregnancy

Tips and hints for the 13th week of pregnancy

Back pain in the 13th week of pregnancy

The load of the baby presses on the pelvic muscles and can thus trigger pelvic or back pain. In addition, your spine is burdened by your growing abdomen. It is important that you protect your back during pregnancy and avoid stress.

Shortness of breath in pregnancy

Shortness of breathis typical for this week. Especially if you’re in a hurry, quickly running up a flight of stairs or carrying something heavy, you’re literally gasping for air. Stop and breathe deeply and regularly. So a lot of oxygen comes to your baby via the placenta.

The 2nd check-up (13th to 16th week of pregnancy)

Thesecond check-upwill take place in the next few weeks. The gynecologist or midwife will now check the situation of your child, as well as his heart sounds and whether everything is going as usual. In addition, the growth of your uterus, your weight, your waist circumference and your blood pressure are measured. It may still be possible to undergo vaginal examinations to check the cervix and the position of the child.

Dietary supplements from the 13th week of pregnancy

Experts recommend two dietary supplements during pregnancy: folic acid and iodine. Doctors recommend taking folic acid from the 12th week of pregnancy. This ensures that the neural tube in the unborn child, which is located in the central nervous system, closes. Iodine is also considered an important dietary supplement, as you need more iodine than usual during pregnancy. It is best to speak to your doctor about the dosage.

The risk of miscarriage decreases

With the onset of the second trimester, the likelihood of miscarriage drops by 65 percent. This will certainly bring relief and ensure unclouded joy for your baby. Many pregnant women use the next time to inform their friends, relatives and work colleagues about the pregnancy. You can find out how you can further reduce the risk of miscarriage or premature birth in the further course of pregnancy under “Premature birth” and in particular in our article “How you can prevent premature birth“.

Premature milk flow

If you have premature milk flow, use soft nursing pads. For exciting breasts, quark packs or cold packs bring relief. But avoid the nipples when cooling.

Pay attention to cleaning agents, varnishes and paints

Do not use aggressive cleaning agents and especially no sprays when cleaning the house. Because the toxic chemistry can reach your child via the respiratory tract. You should also leave the painting during a move to others.

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