Make Mother’s Day cards yourself: creative ideas
With a Mother’s Day card you make your mother happy. If this is also designed by yourself, she will be even happier. Here you will find several creative ideas for unique and personal Mother’s Day cards.
Make Mother’s Day cards yourself: watercolors
You can easily make Mother’s Day cards yourself. The easiest way to do this is with watercolors on watercolor paper. But be careful: If you work with watercolors, you need a thicker, non-smooth paper and, of course, watercolors.
- Pre-cut the paper to the desired size.
- If you work with watercolor paints, you must first paint the sketch paper with a wet brush and let it dry before you start painting.
- Draw the desired motif on the card with a pencil. Hearts, flowers or similar are suitable motifs for Mother’s Day.
- Then you start with the color!
- Of course you can still write titles like “Happy Mother’s Day” or “For the best mom” on it.
- Watercolors in particular are wonderful for Mother’s Day cards.
Making Mother’s Day Cards: Collage
For the collage you need harder construction paper as well as paper for the collage. This can be wrapping paper, colored paper or paper you have painted yourself. Adding a photo to the collage makes the card even more personal.
- First you cut the card to size again, on which you stick the collage.
- Think about how you want to design your collage. Should it be a text, a motif, or a photo of you?
- Also make sure to put darker paper in the background of the collage and glue lighter tones to the front.
- Then cut everything out and glue it onto the card.
- If you have a frame, frame the card! For example, choose a dark background and a light frame, so your card looks very classy.
Make a Mother’s Day card: Embroider
This variant requires some skill and patience. If you rise to the challenge, you can embroider your individual Mother’s Day card with thick thread. No matter if text, pattern or motif – everything is possible. All you need is a needle with a large eye but a fine needle point. The needle should be fine enough not to kink the paper when you poke through it, and the eye of the needle should be wide enough for the knitting yarn to pass through.
- First draw the motif on the card. It is important here that you draw this on the back of the card, because you will embroider based on this drawing.
- Cut some yarn, tie a knot in one end of the yarn and thread the thread through the needle.
- Pierce your preliminary drawing on the back of the card. Now pierce along your preliminary drawing at the desired distance.
- Tip: hold the paper up to a lamp so that you can see the preliminary drawing better through the paper.
- If you have curves in your drawing, use shorter distances. To fill areas, you embroider several small crosses.
- If a thread ends, pull it gently so your embroidery is stretched on the paper and tie a knot to hold it.
- At the end you can fasten loose knots with scotch tape on the back. Cover the back with paper to make knots and adhesive strips invisible.
Making a Mother’s Day card: Dried flowers
Dried flowers form a beautiful motif on the card for springtime Mother’s Day. For this you need fresh small flowers such as daisies, pansies or primroses in addition to craft paper.
- Cut the stem of your chosen flower just below the bloom.
- Press the flower between a thick book overnight. Put a piece of paper between the flower and the pages of the book to avoid staining the pages of the book.
- Now carefully glue the dried flowers onto the card. You can also spice up the flowers with watercolors or felt-tip pens if they have lost some of their color through drying.
Make a Mother’s Day card: the right text
Just like designing the Mother’s Day card, you have unlimited options when it comes to the text for your card.
- How about a nice poem? For example, about what your mother does and how much you like her – she will certainly be happy. Here you will find ideas for poems for Mother’s Day .
- Your mother will also be happy about a nice anecdote of shared adventures. Maybe you find an experience that she may have already forgotten?
- An appreciative message in the form of a recipe is particularly unusual. Which ingredients and baking steps make your mother love? And which cake is the result at the end?
- Of course, your mother is also happy about a simple text, for which you are grateful and what you wish her for the future.
Design Mother’s Day card online
You can also design your Mother’s Day card online. This is useful if you don’t have any craft materials or don’t want to tinker yourself.
- At you can choose from many different designs for your Mother’s Day card. There are different types of collage motifs or Mother’s Day cards with text covers. Prices start at EUR 1.99.
- At meine- Kartenmanufaktur you can design the entire card, including the back and inside. There are no collages here, but you can insert individual photos into your card.
- You can edit your greetings to your mother via druck selbst using a PDF template that you can download and then print out free of charge on your own PC.
- At cewe you will find a number of motif templates under the occasion ‘Thank you’, which you can set up yourself with a photo and text for Mother’s Day.