25th week of pregnancy: The 25th week of pregnancy at a glance
In the 25th week of pregnancy you are approaching the third trimester of your pregnancy. In the third trimester of your pregnancy, your little one’s hearing will become more and more sensitive. It can react not only to everyday sounds, but also to music. Have you ever been kicked at a concert or a sudden noise?
The development of your baby in the 25th week of pregnancy
Your around 30 centimeters tall and 650 gram heavy baby is diligently training in sucking. To do this, it puts its thumb in its mouth, which you can even observe on an ultrasound in the 25th week of pregnancy . Your child will also start playing with their hands and feet to pass the time.
It perceives everyday noises, voices, but also your heartbeat and music. However, the perception or volume is dampened by the amniotic fluid. But sometimes that’s a good thing, because your baby can react quite angrily if you listen to loud and hectic music. So it’s quite possible that he’ll kick you if he doesn’t like what he’s hearing. Studies have shown that babies prefer listening to classical music, most notably Mozart and Vivaldi. Your baby not only reacts to music that is too loud with violent infant movements, but also with an increased heart rate.
Your child’s phases of rest and movement continue to alternate regularly in the 25th week of pregnancy, undisturbed by the outside world, while development progresses more and more rapidly.
Your body in the 25th week of pregnancy
The child is growing and your weekly weight gain for the last four weeks has been around 300 grams per week. This is also noticeable in the 25th week of pregnancy by a visibly increased abdominal circumference. The strong stretching of the skin on the stomach and breasts can, depending on the predisposition, result in increased stretch marks . Blue shimmering blood vessels, which stand out clearly due to the increased blood flow, are also often seen. With increasing curves, the center of gravity of the body also changes and shifts forward. This is necessary to avoid tipping forward due to the large belly.
In order to balance your weight, you automatically go into a hollow back. The result is increased stress on the muscles and ligaments. Back pain is not uncommon. Nevertheless, you do not damage the spine by bending backwards excessively, nature has taken care of that. While in men only the last two lumbar vertebrae are tilted outwards more than the other vertebrae, in women it is the last three. This allows for greater flexion of the spine. The lower three lumbar vertebrae in women are also intertwined, which leads to reinforcement. The spine also becomes flexible thanks to larger distances between the individual vertebral joints.
What does a baby look like at 25 weeks?
Height: About 32cm
Weight: About 800g
Your baby can open his eyes and look around. His hearing has also evolved. Your organs will gradually shift into a different position as the baby grows. This can make you uncomfortable.
Questions about the 25th week of pregnancy
What should the child’s name be?
Spoiled for choice. Not all baby names are allowed and the surname also plays a role when choosing a first name. For example, someone whose last name is Wurst is not allowed to name their child Hans. The gender must also be clearly recognizable from the first name. If you’ve decided on an unusual name, it helps to find a written source that mentions the name. You should then take this entry with you to the registry office.
When do you speak of a premature birth?
If your child sets off before the 37th week of pregnancy, it will be one of the eight to ten percent of all newborns who are born prematurely . Although medicine has made great strides in the last 20 years, it is not possible to push this rate down. The reasons for this are diverse. On the one hand, the number of pregnancies after in vitro fertilization increases, which also increases the number of multiple pregnancies. On the other hand, the increasing age of primiparous women seems to play a role.
Unfortunately, very small premature babies with a birth weight of less than 1500 grams have little chance of survival, regardless of their state of maturity. A threatened premature birth is announced by regular, painful contractions. Slight bleeding or leakage of fluid can also be the first sign. In this case, prompt medical help is very important. Be sure to take advantage of the offers for regular prenatal care . Your doctor will quickly determine whether you are at risk of giving birth prematurely.
Tips and hints for the 25th week of pregnancy
Preventive check-ups are particularly important now
In the last few weeks before the birth, check -ups are particularly important. If you attend the appointments regularly, you ensure that a child’s lack of care is recognized in good time. This is because the placenta gradually begins to age and in some cases can no longer properly care for the child. Regular CTG monitoring is then useful. Your doctor can use ultrasound and palpation examinations to determine whether the baby has settled properly in the pelvis. As the cervix begins to soften and the cervix shortens, labor is probably just around the corner.
childbirth preparation
Preparing for the birth has priority in the last few weeks . Your birth preparation course will probably start around the 28th week of pregnancy , in which you can clarify all the questions and concerns that are still going through your head. But it is now also worthwhile to find out about further measures for childbirth preparation. Because if you would like to rely on natural methods such as raspberry leaf tea and hay flower seat steam baths, you should take care of them in good time.