Homeopathy for diarrhea in children

In the encyclopedia of homeopathy you will find a precise description of homeopathic treatment for many complaints. Just browse through the most common terms and get an impression.

General information about diarrhea

If your child has bowel movements more than three times a day, the stool is liquid or the amount of stool is increased, then this is referred to as diarrhea. Diarrhea is often caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The risk of infection is particularly high when travelling. This is also referred to as “traveler’s diarrhea”. Other triggers can be medication, spoiled food or a food intolerance, such as lactose intolerance. Psychological complaints such as  anxiety  or stress can also cause diarrhea.
In the  children’s diseases dictionary  you will learn about the causes and symptoms of diarrhea.


The most common cause of diarrhea is bacterial or viral infection. You should therefore make sure that foods that may contain salmonella are stored at temperatures below ten degrees Celsius and separately from other foods. Poultry, meat and fish must always be well cooked. Ground beef should be consumed on the day it is made.

If the diarrhea lasts longer than two days or if the stool contains blood, you should definitely consult a pediatrician or naturopath!

Homeopathy for diarrhea in children

The following table includes the most common forms of diarrhea and possible combinations with other symptoms. The table lists which homeopathic remedy is recommended in these cases. Since diarrhea can also occur in combination with many other symptoms, it only contains the most common ones. You can find compact information about other symptoms and how they can be treated with homeopathic remedies in Sven Sommer’s guide “Homeopathy for Children”.



Liquid stool
Excessive volume of stool
Uzara D4* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)
Indigestion (flatulence, nausea, belching) with diarrhea
Occurs after eating spoiled food, after taking antibiotics and with infections of all kinds
Okulaba D2* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after a day every 3-6 hours), or as a prophylaxis (3x daily)
Diarrhea with vomiting and weakness
Your child asks for warmth
Burning pains
Miracles, red buttocks
Watery, foul-smelling diarrhea caused by vomiting caused by spoiled food (especially meat and fish), cold drinks, fruit and ice cream
Your child is pale, cold, exhausted, restless , shaky and afraid, it does not like to be alone
Arsenicum album D12* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)
Diarrhea with weakness or weakness after diarrhea
Painless, frothy yellow diarrhea with undigested residues
Diarrhea comes at night or immediately after eating, after sour foods, fruit, in small children also after milk
With strong, foul-smelling flatulence
Persistent weakness with pale, red-spotted face,
hypersensitivity to smells, changeable appetite
China D6* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)
Diarrhea predominantly early morning after eating
Gritty, frothy, yellow-green, undigested, sore, stinky, but painless diarrhea, squirts out
With lots of rumbling and gurgling
Your child is fidgety, restless and feels markedly weak after a bowel movement
Podophyllum D6* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)
diarrhea caused by nervousness, excitement, hectic pace, fear and impending events
bloated abdomen, bloating and stomach pain; great craving for sweets, but this makes the condition worse
Argentum nitricum D12* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)

Mainly cramping, cutting pains
 during and after defecation
Slimy, bloody stool , watery, foul-smelling
Your child sweats at night and before and after defecation
Mercurius corrosivus D12* (in acute cases every 1-2 hours, after one day every 3-6 hours)

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