Linea Nigra: How the dark stripe on your stomach develops
Your stomach is already rounding out significantly in the 3rd trimester. During this time you may be able to observe how a dark line runs from top to bottom across your stomach. You can find out what this is all about here.
The linea nigra is the dark line between the pubic bone and the navel that forms during pregnancy. The line is more prominent in dark-skinned women.
How does the linea nigra come about?
There is a vertical seam in the middle of the abdominal muscles. This is where the tendons of the abdominal muscles meet. During pregnancy, your belly keeps growing. The tendons are often pulled apart. Due to increased melanin production, the line darkens and becomes visible. This usually happens in the second trimester of your pregnancy .
What happens after birth?
After birth, the dark discoloration usually disappears completely or decreases significantly. This is because the hormones are broken down again. Although special care cannot speed up the process, it is still worth pampering the skin with creams. After all, pregnancy has put a lot of strain on the skin.