Montessori kindergarten: educational concept

Montessori kindergarten educational concept

The Montessori kindergarten is an interesting alternative to the regular kindergarten for many parents. The basic idea is the request “Help me to do it myself!”. Your child gains independence through daily work and practical hand movements that it can use in everyday life. We will introduce you to the basics of the Montessori Kindergarten.

Montessori kindergarten: educational concept

Montessori pedagogy can be traced back to its founder Maria Montessori. The doctor dealt with paediatrics and was very interested in promoting independence and the joy of learning. Therefore, the pedagogical concept of Montessori is mainly based on the following points:

  • Orientation towards the individual abilities, gifts and talents of your child
  • Assistance in the development of one’s own will
  • Promotion of independent thinking and acting
  • “Together we are strong”: Your child will be taught how to ask for help and how to give help yourself
  • Opportunity to meet your child’s learning needs: Children don’t want to learn just anything, they want to learn something very specific at a specific time. The pedagogical concept speaks of the “sensitive phases”
  • Support and assistance with problems: Your child should learn not to avoid difficulties, but to tackle and overcome them
  • Your child should gain independence through everyday work. It learns practical skills that it can use in everyday life.

Montessori kindergarten is based on “sensitive phases”

The Montessori kindergarten focuses on the so-called “sensitive phases”. In these, children are ready to learn skills such as language and motor skills optimally and easily. With appropriate educational incentives, it is easier for children to concentrate and to absorb formal and content-related topics better and faster. Skills used here are better internalized and are permanently memorized. The educator must recognize these time phases and encourage them accordingly.

One focus of the pedagogy in the Montessori kindergarten is learning on your own initiative. The guiding principle is to convey the joy of learning to the child, because this is the only way it can learn independently. The child is supported and guided with respect and respect. This should lead to the development of a self-contained and balanced personality. Your child has the opportunity to choose from the topics offered, to determine the time frame and to acquire their own working rhythm. Your child is also encouraged in the Montessori kindergarten to repeat the learning content independently and to optimize the learning pace for themselves. However, it can always fall back on the support of the educators and, if necessary, be inspired by suggestions and suggestions.

Montessori Kindergarten offers a prepared environment

In the Montessori kindergarten, the prepared environment is an important part of the pedagogy. This means that your child has the opportunity to detach themselves from the adults. It doesn’t have to ask her for help, because objects and work materials are at eye level and always within reach – that has the character of a request. Toys in the Montessori kindergarten are simple and handy because it is assumed that too many stimuli impede learning. Fragile porcelain is often used, because children should learn dexterity and appreciation for things.

Is the Montessori kindergarten suitable for everyone?

All children who could also go to a “normal” kindergarten can attend the Montessori kindergarten. The Montessori kindergarten often requires a special commitment from the parents and a clear conviction of the pedagogical concept.

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