Proper care for newborns
When the baby has just been born, you as a new parent will have many questions. There are often many uncertainties, especially when it comes to baby care for newborns. Here you can get an overview of the most important topics in the field of baby care and find out what you should pay particular attention to in the early days with your baby.
1) Proper umbilical care
Immediately after birth, your baby’s navel needs special treatment. Many parents are particularly anxious about this because the area is so sensitive. But don’t worry: Your aftercare midwife will take care of most of the navel care until it has completely healed. Nevertheless, you can read all the important information on the subject in our article “Care for the baby’s navel properly” .
2) Wrap correctly
Changing your baby’s diaper becomes a daily routine immediately after birth. And even if there are still uncertainties at the beginning, the interaction between you and your child will soon be perfect. You can find out what you should pay particular attention to when diapering your little one and how best to prepare yourself in the article “Diapering your baby easily and correctly” .
3) What to do with a sore bottom?
Baby skin is very sensitive and a sore buttocks can quickly develop in a wet diaper. In most cases, however, this is harmless. You can find out how to treat a baby’s sore buttocks in the article “Baby’s sore buttocks – what to do?” .
4) Bathing the baby
Once your baby’s navel has healed, you can bathe your baby for the first time. There is a lot to consider. You can read about how best to prepare your baby’s bath and what you should consider when carrying it out in our “Checklist for bathing the baby” .
5) Cradle cap or head gneiss
In the first months of life, many babies have a firm, yellowish layer of scales on their heads. This can be either cradle cap or head gneiss. Cradle cap can be a first sign of neurodermatitis and should be treated by a doctor. Head gneiss is usually due to overproduction of the sebum glands on the head and can be removed by washing your hair .
6) Gentle touches are good for babies
Your baby needs your closeness, especially in the early days after birth. Gentle touches strengthen the bond between mother and child and build mutual trust. In our baby massage instructions you will find valuable tips on how to pamper your child with a tender massage. Applying lotion to the baby can also become a nice pampering ritual.
7) Baby care products: yes or no?
Your baby’s skin is still very thin and sensitive. Dry skin in babies is therefore not uncommon. Regular and intensive care that helps the skin develop its protective function is all the more important. You can find out which cream is particularly suitable for caring for your baby in the article “Which cream for the baby? “.
8) Special care in summer and winter
Taking care of baby’s skin is always important. In summer or winter, however, the skin is exposed to different influences, which is why you should also adjust the care. You can find out how best to protect your skin from the sun in the article “Sun protection for your baby” . You can find care tips for the winter in the article “Caring for your baby properly in winter” .
9) Cut baby’s fingernails
Your baby’s fingernails start growing very quickly shortly after birth. So that your baby does not get injured, you should trim your fingernails regularly. In the article “Cut baby’s fingernails” we tell you what you should pay attention to .