Squinting in Babies: Treatment
Does your baby squint worry you? Here you can learn why some babies squint and when squint should be treated.
Many babies squint
Every baby has limited vision after birth. However, this will continue to develop rapidly over the next few months. In our article “When can a baby see”you can learn more about the development of the eyes. Perhaps you have already noticed that your child’s gaze is not as straight as that of other children, or that it even squints? Squinting is not as uncommon as you might think. Many babies under the age of six months squint. This is because your baby needs to learn how to use their eye muscles properly, and that takes a few months. However, it is important that you recognize when it is no longer just about learning, and when a visit to the ophthalmologist is advisable. With early and correct therapy, strabismus is easily treatable.
When is squinting in babies a concern?
Usually, the problem with squinting goes away on its own after the sixth month of life. However, if the following points apply, you should consult an ophthalmologist:
- You or your partner already have eye problems.
- Your baby’s squinting is extremely noticeable. The earlier a serious problem is identified, the better it can be treated.
- If your baby is noticeably sensitive to light.
- Your baby’s eyes water or it always closes one eye.
- “Turning in” the eyes when your baby is tired.
- blinking and eye trembling.
- A crooked head position in your baby and clumsy movements such as reaching past.
treatment of strabismus
In the case of problems affecting the eyes in particular, it is important to start treatment early. Therapy options for squinting can be:
- Masking the “healthy” eye: This means your baby has to use and train the squinting eye more. It learns to keep its gaze straight.
- Use of squint glasses: Such glasses relieve the eyes. While it cannot completely fix the problem, it does make it easier for your baby to see. The probability that squinting will be reduced is very high.
- Surgery: If none of the above therapies lead to the desired success, surgery is still an option. The position of the eye muscles is changed so that the eye is straight in the future.
Pre-school eye exam
Even if there are no obvious problems with the eyes, it is generally advisable to have your child’s eyes checked before they start school. Because if you have an illness, the younger your child is, the higher the chance of successful therapy.