Sun protection for your baby: you have to pay attention to this

Who doesn’t love it when the sun shines in summer? But despite all the enjoyment, you should always make sure that your baby has sufficient sun protection. Here you can find out what you should consider when staying outdoors and what the best sun protection for your baby looks like.

The sun makes people happy because it causes the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. It also stimulates the body to produce vitamin D , which is particularly important for bone formation in small children. But vitamins A, B or E also make your child fit . However, excessive sun consumption can also have unpleasant side effects such as sunburn or sunstroke . Sufficient and conscientious sun protection should therefore be the top priority, especially for babies and small children.

If you spend a long time in the sun with your baby, it is advisable to rub sunscreen on exposed skin. Find out in the following article what you should consider when moisturizing your baby.

Why is sun protection so important for babies?

In addition to being the largest sensory organ, the skin of adults has many important protective functions. For example, it is jointly responsible for heat regulation and defense against harmful environmental influences. In the upper layers of the skin are special cells called melanocytes. When UV rays penetrate the skin, these cells react by producing a brown pigment called melanin, which filters and absorbs sunlight. The sun tan we know is a natural form of sun protection. This prevents UV rays from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin and causing pathological cell changes there.

In babies, this important protective function of the skin is not yet fully developed. The melanocytes do not produce enough pigments to produce the body’s own sun protection. From the age of two, the skin slowly learns to react to sun exposure by tanning. This learning process is usually not completed until puberty, which is why people absorb an average of 80 percent of the UV dose to be expected in life in the lower layers of the skin by the age of 18.

In addition to the underproduction of melanin, the skin is very thin and the structure is still very unstable. This means that the UV rays can penetrate even more easily into the baby’s deeper skin layers and cause cell damage there. Since the baby’s immature skin is not yet able to repair such damage on its own, cell damage at this age is twice as serious. Sufficient sun protection is therefore absolutely necessary to compensate for the lack of essential skin functions and to protect your baby from permanent damage.

Sunscreen as sun protection for the baby?

To ensure that your baby is well protected from the sun’s rays, you should take appropriate measures. However, experts advise against regularly treating the whole body of the baby with sunscreen in the first year of life. Newborn skin is still very permeable and the additives in sunscreens could have a negative impact on the development of a healthy skin structure.

Which sunscreen is best for the baby?

A better way to effectively protect your baby from too much sun is not to expose your child directly to the sun and to dress it appropriately for the sun. A combination of the two measures is ideal, which can be supplemented by the moderate use of sunscreen if necessary. In the following, we would like to explain exactly what you should pay attention to in the individual points.

Sun protection for the baby – avoid the sun

  • It is best if you stay in the shade with your baby. This way you can avoid some of the UV rays. However, UV rays still have about 60 percent of their effect in the shade, which is why you should not do without additional sun protection for your baby there either.
  • The same also applies to cloudy days. UV rays are not completely blocked by cloud cover, which is why it is better to think about additional sun protection even on days when the sun is not visible if you are going to be outdoors for a longer period of time.
  • Sand and light-colored concrete, but above all water, reflect the incoming rays of the sun very strongly. So when your baby plays in the sandbox or in the paddling pool, the UV radiation increases significantly, even if it is in the shade. Additional sun protection for your baby is then essential.
  • If you are out and about with the stroller, the canopy or a small umbrella can provide shade. If that is not enough, you can also cover the opening with a light cloth. But then make sure that enough air gets into the stroller and check the temperature regularly so that the heat does not accumulate inside the stroller.
Avoid midday sun with the baby!

The sun’s rays are particularly intense at midday. It is therefore better not to go out with your baby between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Because during this time, not only are the UV rays very aggressive, your baby could also easily overheat due to the high temperatures.

Sun protection for the baby through clothing

The summer and warm temperatures invite you to let the baby kick around naked or wearing only a diaper. But you should definitely avoid that at first. Firstly, babies cool down easily, even at higher ambient temperatures, due to the heat regulation of the skin not yet functioning optimally. Second, and at least as important, clothing provides additional, effective sun protection for your baby.

  • When choosing summer clothes for your baby, you should make sure that it doesn’t get too warm. Therefore, dress him in loose, airy clothing that covers as much of the body as possible.
    The following applies: tightly woven, dark materials keep out more UV rays than fine-meshed, light-colored clothing.
  • In addition, your child must wear suitable headgear. A thin hat with peak and neck protection or a sun hat with a wide brim are ideal.
  • The sensitive skin on the feet also burns quickly. So protect them with closed shoes or put socks on your baby. The latter have the advantage that your baby does not sweat so easily in them and can move around better.
  • Ultimately, your baby’s eyes should also be protected from UV rays. This can be done in part by adding a parasol to your child’s hat. In addition, the use of sunglasses is also conceivable if your baby is not uncomfortable with them.
    The following applies: when buying baby sunglasses, make sure that they are non-slip and filter UV-B rays.
  • If you also travel a lot with a pram or buggy, it is worth thinking about an awning . Sun sails not only provide shade, but also protect – depending on the material – against UV rays.
Sun protection for the baby through UV protective clothing

While normal clothing can offer your baby a certain amount of sun protection, there are now many items of clothing for children that contain specially developed UV protection, the so-called UV protection factor (UPF). The special functional clothing is particularly practical when only a few shady places are available, for example on the beach. There it pays for itself twice over, as swimwear with UPF dries particularly quickly, so your baby doesn’t get cold so easily. In addition, it retains its protective function even when it gets wet. This is usually not the case with normal clothing. When buying such functional clothing, you should make sure that the UPF is not less than 30. The “UV-Standard 801” test seal can be of further help to you when purchasing.

Attention is the top priority when it comes to sun protection

With the measures described above, you can effectively protect your baby’s skin from the sun. However, it is even more important that you are always very attentive to your child. Your baby is not yet able to tell for itself when its skin is overstressed and cannot move itself out of the sun. Therefore, never leave your little one alone and check its condition regularly, then you can enjoy the summer together and carefree.

Sunstroke in the baby despite sun protection?

The skullcap of babies and small children is particularly thin. Intense sunlight on the head and neck can therefore easily irritate the meninges and lead to sunstroke. If your baby suddenly has a bright red, warm head on a sunny day, but the rest of the skin is cool, this is usually a sure sign of sunstroke. High-pitched crying and vomiting are other signs. If you suspect it, you should immediately take your baby to a cool, shady place and cool the forehead and neck with damp towels. Keep your head high and give your child plenty to drink. If the condition does not improve within a few minutes, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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