Easter games for children: indoors and outdoors
Easter games with the whole family, in kindergarten & Co. are a nice pastime – and increase the anticipation of happy, contemplative Easter. Here we show the most famous Easter games for indoors and outdoors – so Easter with the family will be fun for young and old.
Easter Games for Kids: The Classics
Easter games are particularly suitable for thefun get-together in the family circle. Whether in nature or at home in the cozy living room – there is guaranteed something for everyone. The cornerstone for most games, of course, isthe Easter egg. Here we show you five beautiful games for Easter, have fun!
The Easter egg – Ditsch and Datsch
Material:2 hard-boiled eggs
Total:2 players
Quick and easy – and also a real classic among the Easter games: Ditsch and Datsch. Two players beat their Easter eggs against each other with the tips. The egg, whose shell breaks first, has lost.
Egg blowing
Material:1 blown egg
Total:from 3 players
Well, which of you has the longest breath? Find out! All players sit around a table. In the middle of the table, ablown-out eggis placed. Now your lungs are in demand: The players now blow the egg to the other players. The egg must not fall off the table or touch any of the players. The player who drops the egg or touches it is eliminated from the round.
The Egg Run Game
- 2 tablespoons
- 2 hard-boiled eggs or plastic eggs
- 2 empty buckets of water or similar as a turning point
- a rope or tape to mark the start/finish line
Total:minimum 4 players
A great team game, which is also ideal for kindergarten or kindergarten. So, watch out little Easter bunnies – who will distribute their eggs the fastest?
Two teams are formed. The egg is placed on a spoon and with this the first runner of the two teams must start. At intervals of five meters, an inverted empty bucket is set up for each team as a turning point to be circled. The egg must not be held during the entire run. After the completed run, he has to hand over the spoon and egg to the next teammate.
Tip: You want to increase the level of difficulty and bring in some variety? No problem! This is possible with just one simple means: Set up an obstacle course consisting of, for example, chairs or tables. So you can make the run a lot more difficult.
Bunnies in the pit
total:from 5 players
Another of the most beautiful Easter games – especially for toddlers – is “Bunny in the Pit”. Here’s how it works: A child sits on the floor with his eyes closed. In addition, it holds its head sideways on its hands and pretends to be asleep. The rest of the children sit in a circle around the child and sing thewell-known children’s song: “Bunny in the pit, sat and slept…”. At the song passage “Bunny, hopping”, the child, who is in the middle, opens his eyes and jumps to a fellow player of his choice. This child becomes the next “bunny in the pit”.
The Easter Bunny Game
Number:any number of participants
This great catching game needs some space and is therefore ideal for outdoors.
One or two children are the hunters and try to catch their fellow players. The remaining players represent the Easter bunnies, which are marked by cloths in their trouser pocket or on the trouser ribbon. The hunter or hunters now try to catch the Easter bunnies by taking the cloths from the refugees. The winner is the rabbit that remains. In a second round, the hunters can be changed.
More fun Easter games
Egg bocce
Place an egg some distance away on a carpet or path. Then each player gets three chocolate or Easter eggs. Players take turns throwing their eggs so that they remain as close as possible to the target egg. The eggs must be thrown as flat as possible and with a lot of feeling. The winner gets all the eggs!
Egg rolls
The game Eierkullern is about rolling the colorful Easter eggs or alternatively chocolate eggs. This can be done outside on a low slope or inside on an inclined board. Each player now lets his egg roll down the slope and tries to hit the Easter eggs of the other players. If he meets them, he may keep them to himself.
Egg hunts
The classic: the grown-ups hide eggs and sweets in the house or garden and the little ones can search. Who discovered the most eggs? A walk in the forest or meadow is particularly beautiful and exciting if you have previously hidden eggs along the way. Alternatively, you can hide a nest and draw a treasure map, like a pirate’s treasure. For example, the map can show the floor plan of your apartment, the playground or the garden. The children then have to find the Easter nest with the help of the map. Of course, the content may be nibbled!
Egg in free fall
Two players or groups compete against each other. The task: a raw egg must be packed in such a way that it does not break if it falls from a height of two meters. You determine the packaging material: adhesive tape, some straws, a sheet of paper or a paper handkerchief. Think about something, but don’t give the groups too much material, because the task should not be too easy to master! If both eggs remain intact, the drop height is increased.
Egg Throwing/Egg Rolls
This game can be played well in the grass on sloping terrain. Each player throws his egg carefully so that it rolls down the slope or hill. Whose egg rolls the furthest and stays whole has won.
For this game, line the table with a newspaper and pile sand, salt or flour into a small mountain. A boiled egg is placed on the top of the mountain. Each player finally receives a spoon and after the turn, the mountain is gradually “spooned” by the players. The aim of the game is that the egg stays on the mountain top for as long as possible and does not fall down. However, if it tilts with a player, the player has lost the game.